Do we want our Country and our Society to behave in a way that is pleasing to Almighty God? Or are we more interested in the short-term gratification of what government can do for us? If truth is not paramount in a society, that society will ultimately fail! Jesus is “. . . the Way, the Truth and the Life . . .” ~John 14:6 and when we as a society drift away from Him and His teachings we are off course and on a tangent headed toward failure and destruction. Already our society is totally different than it was sixty years ago and our morality seems to be accelerating down a very steep slope. Grace is God’s unmerited and undeserved favor and it is “by His grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God . . .” ~Ephesians 2:8 (ESV) This can only be true for you if you have called upon the name of the Lord and accepted His gift. For “everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” Romans 10:13 (ESV) Any other future you may have is very grim in comparison. I’ve said all of this to try and prick your interest in truth about those contestants who are entering the race for POTUS. I realize that things change from day to day as do opinions of this or that candidate. I only encourage you to look closely for the truth. I will most assuredly vote for the truest one of the bunch and for now it appears that it will be on the Republican side. On the Republican side we have business people, Senators, Congressmen, Governors and Medical Doctors. One woman and one is a black man. Of all of the candidates Dr. Carson is the most humble and in all probability the most intelligent. He has superior organizational skills, however, he is the most hated by the republican establishment. The RNC establishment is not so worried now and little is said about him because he is presently bringing up the rear in the polls. A couple of truths about Dr. Ben Carson are obvious. First and foremost he is honest. Second his main concern is the Nation and not himself. And, like JFK he will not be persuaded to change his course because the financial powers of this World direct him to do so. Therefore, they fear and hate the thought of having to deal with him. As Christians, and as a Nation shouldn’t we go for the truth and obey it? I am led to believe that our only hope is to trust and obey the LORD and leave the consequences to Him.


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