What could possibly be a greater disappointment than to realize that you have believed a lie for most of your adult life? Truth may not seem to be important now, but truth is always important. The sooner you realize the importance of truth the better. Therefore what ever you do, don’t allow your pride get in the way of knowing and believing what is obviously true.
Words are important, however, words that you believe are thousands of times more important than words that you say aloud or hear. And, know this; Searching for truth requires total honesty with yourself. The World View of a vast number of Americans is that the Bible isn’t trustworthy. (I hate to say majority instead of a vast number, however, majority may be more accurate.) I personally don’t know of anything that is more trustworthy than God’s Word, the Holy Bible. How could anyone with the mental capacity to take cover in a hail storm believe the myth that our arrival here on planet Earth was a total accident, and that our origin was from some murky swamp. I can’t help but believe that this is what many Americans want to be true. But, truth is truth and truth is true.
Here are five true characteristics or attributes of Almighty God who was and is the author of the Holy Bible: 1. Omniscience 2. Omnipotence 2. Omnipresence 4. Truthfulness 5. Immutability HOLY is not mentioned here and there are many many more wonderful attributes of ALMIGHTY GOD. These five are much more than just food for thought. But, they are wonderful attributes think about.

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