If our next POTUS happens to be Hillary R. Clinton I doubt that anything will immediately change. Long term we will have to deal with an extremely liberal Supreme Court. With such a court much will happen. There will be pockets of Sharia Law in every state. There will be a serious attack on the Second Amendment. And, the entire Constitution will suffer harm that would mortify our founding fathers if they were alive. Hillary will complete the fundamental changes to the American way of life that Obama started almost eight years ago. Already it is hard to imagine how far we have digressed in our legacy.   America is supposed to be the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave. I know for a fact that there are many brave men and women in America but there are fewer and fewer free people. If Hillary wins it will get worse and worse. How did it happen? How did it happen that Obama won two terms as POTUS? If Hillary wins many will ask; how did that happen? When Sharia Law loving terrorist invade every state in our nation we will ask our selves; how did that happen? We, the American people, have allowed idols to take the place of Almighty God. We all seem to dream of winning the lottery. We think that we would be great because we would share all those millions. I really don’t think so, not so much anyway. Of course many constantly think of how they can get more stuff, spend more money, dress better and all of that. Deep within their heart and minds is that creature that drives them on and on. That creature that lives inside them is always thinking of the past errors that have been made and how they can improve their situation tomorrow. We are all guilty. It is a part of our sinful nature. Seldom do we think of the NOW. Christians want to give God credit but we don’t really want to worship Him; stuff is more fun and more important to us. When and if we go to Church we want the person preaching to tickle our ears and make us feel better. We don’t want to be bothered with the truth. Pulpits all over America are more than willing to accommodate us. No one wants to make waves. Most everyone wants to be PC. But, there is some good news! Eternal life is available to each of us through faith in Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. It is the born-again-believers who are responsible to spread this wonderful news. Because we have failed to shout the Gospel from the rooftops many don’t know about it. It’s like there are generations who are in some sort of trance and are oblivious to this fantastic news. Christians have dropped the ball, the pulpits have drop the ball and the enemy is making great strides in the destruction of this country. Hillary is only an indicator of the problem. The problem is the desire to sin. It is a desire so strong that many are hoodwinked by their own desires to believe many horrendous untruths. It is more than obvious to me that Trump is the only choice we have. I know that he, like all of us, has flaws and is imperfect. However, he is probably our last best hope. Hillary is not that bright, and she is susceptible to being deceived by the dark side. Almighty God may just allow her to win. Heaven knows that we deserve her! REMEMBER THIS: OBAMA won the last election because Christian people didn’t vote. If the Christians had gotten out and voted Obama would have lost. It will be the same for Hillary. It’s imperative that all Christians Vote!

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