Category Archives: TALK BACK TO ME


In all of reality, the LEFT is against everything that has sustained our American system; like the family, the church, individual rights, economic liberty, and the rule of law.
Satan convinced Adam that he didn’t need to obey his Creator. Adam believed Satan’s first lie! “Eat the forbidden fruit and he would be just like God.” Well, that didn’t work out so well because the majority of Adam’s lineage became so corrupt and so evil that Almighty God flooded the globe destroying all of humanity with the exception of Noah and his family. Knowledge of this truth is important today, however, it is being hidden and obscured by the LEFT.
Satan is still in the business of deception! The LEFT is totally convinced that there is no God, that there never was a flood, that the Holy Bible is nothing more than a book written by men to control the masses. They seem to be disgusted with talk of religion, faith, morality and the sacredness of human life. In all of reality, the LEFT is against everything that has sustained our American system; like the family, the church, individual rights, economic liberty, and the rule of law. All of these things are under attack by the evil LEFT. Communism is the best example of what the LEFT desires to be.
A little over a century ago Karl Marx, a leader of the LEFT, was totally against the eighth Commandment, “Thou Shalt Not Steal.” He was a promoter of stealing from the productive and giving to the non-productive. He thought that this would balance the playing field. And, it did. Where his philosophies ruled the playing field became level. Everyone became poorer than they once were, including the wealthy; eventually, chaos ruled and many people died. This has never worked anywhere in the world. It is sometimes easy to think that all we need is a few more rules and that those rules would allow Government to make the world a place free of evil.
Changing our economic system requires a little more than what the Communist have been able to do so far. They have taken a little different tactic since the beginning of the last century. A fellow by the name of Antonio Gramsci, who was a Marxist during the early part of the Twentieth Century, realized that it would be impossible to change America and other industrial nations using the economy alone. He came up with a slogan that pretty much explains what is going on today. And, that slogan was, “CAPTURE THE CULTURE.” This tact appears to be making great strides in destroying everything that is good about America. As their momentum builds things get much worse.
What is worrisome to me is the lack of History being taught to our children. The Gen X’ers and the Millennials don’t have a clue of just how destructive the LEFT is. Many of them are taking the bait, hook-line-and-sinker. Some of them think Bernie Sanders is the answer. The LEFTIST are all the same; they want to increase the power of the State at the expense of the individual. It may work for a while, but in the end, it is chaotic and people who disagree with the LEFT or Communist will die.
The LEFT is and has been re-writing History. Many young people say the Christendom has done more harm than good; They seem to believe that the Crusades caused much death in the name of Christ. The Crusades (there were more than one) was a hard time in history but think about the good that Christianity has done all over the World since Christ preached the truth. Is there a Country in the entire world, a country that has not been influenced by Christianity, that honors individual rights, that respects women, and offers liberty of thought and expression? I don’t think so, nor has there ever been! On the other hand; The LEFT is quick to judge Christians, calling them haters, and bigots because of their belief in the Bible and their attempt spread the TRUTH and the Good News of Jesus Christ.
What can Christians do to help stop this destruction of our Nation? I can think of two things. First, Christians should courageously shine a light in dark places in order to show others and the world just how evil the LEFT is. Second, we need to offer an alternative way of life to this LEFT worldview. If we can show the evils of the LEFT and compare them to the beauty and the benefits of Christianity we can make some progress. There is no comparison, Christianity will always triumphant over the Evil of the LEFT. Christianity is one of the only places that true peace and joy can be found.
Saddle Up Christian Soldier there is a lot of dark places that need the bright light of TRUTH! SIC 'EM!


There was a great company of people. They each volunteered for their positions and worked hard to contribute to the company. They work 40 hours per week with three weeks vacations per year, they were off on all holidays and the benefits included a great health and dental plan with a fantastic retirement program.
There was another group of people who were on duty 40 hours per week and had three weeks vacation, with the best medical benefits available, excellent pay with all holidays off, with a great retirement plan. This group was employed by the Government and most of them had an attitude of entitlement! Their job was to monitor the first grope of people. They didn’t work very heard and still demanded the highest of pay.
Of course, the Government had to pay their employees, and in order to do so, they had to tax the first group of people. The Government required itself to monitor the first group better in order to make sure they were not violating any regulations, cheating on their taxes or violating any human rights. This action required more government employees with the same great benefits, which required more taxes dollars to be taken from he first group. Not only was the first group required to come up with more tax dollars but there were saddled up with many restrictions and regulations that required much of their productive time. Production dropped off as a result and many of their customers went elsewhere to find the product that they failed to produce. Many times they went outside of the country to find the product and to purchase it. Not only were the products more available but they were cheaper not only in price but in quality as well.
The first group was forced to lay off people in order to make ends meet and those employees couldn’t find work and were forced to draw unemployment from the government which in turn raised taxes on the first group of people again.
The cycle goes on and on and when the government can’t raise taxes any longer because of the public uproar they just sell bonds to the Federal Reserve Bank which prints up more money for the government to spend. The end result of this is inflation, the hidden tax. Everything gets more expensive and the poor man who survives on Social Security can’t make ends meet because his check does not keep up with inflation.
History tells us that this sort of government always ends in desolation and destruction.
There is another group of people who are always on the lookout for something better for themselves. That doesn’t sound so bad, something good for themselves? Well, take a closer look. This particular group is the LEFT. They are politically motivated because political power is very powerful. If you can control the voting masses you can do just about anything you want. Of course, you must promote socialism, which sounds very nice, along with progressivism, which also sounds very nice which always ends up as Communism. Even that sounds good to the ignorant masses of our nation. The ignorant masses don’t much care about liberty or freedom, they mostly want a free lunch, and they don’t want to work because work is beneath them. Many of them have evolved from two and sometimes three generations of entitlement children. Nothing is required of them except for them to vote and keep the churn churning. Few of them have families, only a berth mother who has learned to milk the system. The more children she can produce, preferably illegitimately, the more money she can make. It’s all about how to manipulate the system, and this manipulation wisdom is passed down from generation to generation.
Where will it end? Will the America that I knew in the fifties end in desolation? My dad thought it was bad then. I’m thankful that he is not here to see it now.
Seems like our nation is being eaten from the inside out. Is a horrible cancer consuming us? Or is our Nation filled with ravenous rats that are devouring our vital organs one by one from the inside out and from the outside inward?
The only hope that I see is our newest POTUS. I like him very much even though he has a humility problem, and he can’t keep himself from striking back at his opponents with his tweeter account. He is from New York City for Peat's Sake, can’t we forgive him for that? All in all, he is doing a masterful job and the vermin in the swamp hate him, which also includes the major news media excluding Fox.
I can’t understand how some of my most intelligent friends can’t see what is going on. This is a spiritual battle and the POTUS is really a small player in all of it, but he is hanging in there as tough as nails he keeps on trying. I like him as much as I did Ronald Reagan, maybe more. He certainly has TRUE GRIT.

 C O N T R O V E R S Y 

Controversy seems more controversial today than ever before. That’s because few of us are students of history.  It all began with the fall of Adam. And, the bottom line of the conflict has been the same since that day.  God created Adam; God gave Adam choices with a warning, and Adam ignored the warning and made the wrong choice.  Adam chose to trust himself and disobeyed Almighty God.  He and Eve both listened to and believed Satan’s lie. Little has changed today. Satan is and always has been the master of deception. According to John 8:44b "When he lies, he speaks out of his own character, for he is a liar and the father of lies.  This is the reason that TRUTH is so important.
Great masses of people follow Satan. Many of them don’t realize it but they walk in lock step with him and all the time claiming to be a righteous and religious people. There must be a million reasons that people don’t want truth in their lives. The Bible says that they love darkness rather than light. “And this is the judgment: the light has come into the world, and people loved the darkness rather than the light because their works were evil.” ~John 3:19 (ESV) It’s the same now as it was for Adam. Truth is something that he and Eve were not interested in. Their attention was focused on themselves rather than the truth. Presently we are bombarded with all kinds of lies from our flat screen televisions to what we see on the Internet. “For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.” ~Ephesians 6:12 ESV We, like Adam, have been given choices with warnings. And, like Adam and Eve, many choose to trust themselves rather than the Almighty God that created them. God also gave us the Bible as a guide with many warnings and instructions. There is no amount of argument that can be made to change one’s mindset after he or she has sold their very souls to Satan. All of life is not about the LEFT, or the RIGHT, Democrats or Republicans, Baptist or Muslims it is up to each of us to regard or disregard all the warnings and choose TRUTH over the lies of Satan. Our nation (USA) was conceived and dedicated to the principals of truth.  It’s very simple; we or either for ‘TRUTH’ or we are not.  A person must first realize that they need TRUTH before there is any chance that they will ever find it.


“The laws of nature, as applied to stones or trees, may only mean "what Nature, in fact, does."  But if you turn to the Law of Human Nature, the Law of Decent Behavior, it is a different matter.  That law certainly does not mean "what human beings, in fact, do"; for as I said before, many of them do not obey this law at all, and none of them obey it completely.  The law of gravity tells you what stones do if you drop them; but the Law of Human Nature tells you what human beings ought to do and do not. In other words, when you are dealing with humans, something else comes in above and beyond the actual facts. You have the facts (how men do behave) and you also have something else (how they ought to behave). In the rest of the universe there need not be anything but the facts. Electrons and molecules behave in a certain way, and certain results follow, and that may be the whole story.  But men behave in a certain way and that is not the whole story, for all the time you know that they ought to behave differently.”    ~C. S. Lewis (Mere Christianity, Book 1, Chapter 3) I find it interesting that all people (including myself) violate the Laws of Human Nature.  Seldom will any of us recognize our failure. If we humans are the least bit interested in TRUTH and remain true to ourselves, we will at least admit our failures, and a few of us will make an honest effort to change our way of thinking and our behavior.   As a nation, the willingness to admit this flaw in our nature is critical to our survival. A good example of this is the behavior of the present day ‘LEFT' when it comes to our POTUS.  “Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.”(*) It seems that the left cannot realize this flaw in their behavior.  The question remains: WHY?  Is their behavior intentional or is it due to total ignorance? (*The proverb that has been adapted from a line in the play “The Mourning Bride,” by William Congreve. “Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.”) Note: the first few paragraphs of the "Book Mere Christianity" offers much insight to the fact that this Law of Human Nature is true and that we as humans were created with a certain amount understanding built within us.  The entire book is a great read, especially if you experience any doubt about anything in this life.


Remember what happened on Sunday Morning, December 7, 1941? The Empire of Japan instituted a sneak attack on Pearl Harbor and thousands of American Service men were destroyed. Anyone who lived during this time in history will never forget that day which will live in infamy. The United States of America has suffered another sneak attack, the entire population of the following American Cities have been destroyed; New York City, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Dallas, Chicago, Philadelphia, Detroit, St Louis, and Atlanta have been destroyed. No there has been no nuclear attack, but more than the population of all these cities have been destroyed by abortion. From this perspective how can America believe that she is any better than Hitler’s Germany, or Pol Pot’s Cambodia, or Stalin’s Russia, or any other nation of people who practiced extermination of others that they considered to be undesirable?


I know very well the evil that passes through my mind. Almost all of it is all about SELF. I think of how pitiful my own situation is; I’m tempted to either think much too highly of myself or to think of myself as a total failure. These thoughts don’t come into my mind out of thin air, they are darts and arrows that find their mark, a constant pestering of demonic forces which are controlled and encouraged by Satan himself. In all reality thoughts of myself should seldom come to mind, however, like the rest of humanity I was born into sin where self is the most important thought we think we have. Although, I am born again into the family of Almighty God thru the shed Blood of the resurrected Jesus Christ, I’m still living here on Planet Earth, and because of who I am, and to Whom I belong the demonic forces have all the more reason to attack me. The best thing is this: those demonic forces and Satan himself have already been defeated by Jesus at the Cross. Not to worry! I'm to just trust, obey, and wait upon the LORD, His timing is always perfect.

F R I G H T E N I N G !

Today, Saturday afternoon in Mustang, Oklahoma USA September 23, 2017 I was at the barbershop waiting for my turn in the barber’s chair when I became engaged in a conversation with a young man who was 6 yrs. old, and there was another young man slight older who was interested in engaging in conversation with me as well. When the younger boy left with his dad the older boy moved closer and the conversation with him began. I asked him numerous questions about school and what he liked and what he didn’t like about it. He seemed well rounded and mature for his age. I ask him what grade he was in and he told me forth. I asked him if he knew who was the President of the United States. Well the conversation went like this: I ask, “who is the President of the United States?” His reply was, “Donald Trump.” I ask, “do you like him?” His reply, “No.” I ask, “why not?” His reply, “because he is a racist.” I ask, “how do you know?” His reply, “because he wants to build a wall.” I ask, “who told you all this?” His reply, “My teacher.” I took a few moments to explain to him that his teacher was wrong and why she was wrong. The conversation continued until it was my turn in the barber’s chair. I liked the kid, he is very bright and has a wonderful mind; Independent too, he rode his bicycle to the shop in order to get his hair cut. I could mention his name but I won’t because it really doesn’t matter what his name is. Just knowing that he is a typical Oklahoma kid with a bright future. What is very distressing is that he, along with all of his classmates, are being taught untruths about the POTUS. Forced to listen simply because they are obligated by law to attend school. Forth grade children are at an age when they are very impressionable, and in a public school setting they are very vulnerable to political lies. I can’t prove it but this young man’s teacher probably isn’t the only one who has a political agenda to lead children away from truth. Solution? 1. Parents need to know the truth and express it to their children. 2. The Pulpits all across Oklahoma and other states should be resounding loudly with words of truth and freedom. 3. And most important of all; the gospel of Jesus Christ should be spoken anywhere, and everywhere. After all Jesus is the author of Truth, Freedom and Liberty. Anything else is of the Devil.

Is Destruction and Desolation in the future of America?

The clear and present effort to replace the foundation of America and to destroy all of the freedoms and liberties that are the heart and soul of this Great Nation are becoming more obvious every day. The destruction of truth has been a work in progress since Eve and Adam were first deceived by Satan. Nothing has changed, deceit and deception are the primary tools used to destroy anything and everything that is Godly. Life here on Planet Earth is a constant spiritual struggle between Good and Evil. The battle between God and Satan is finished and Satan was defeated, however, constant skirmishes between good and evil continue. The primary opposition to everything thing that is good about America is Satan who presently disguises and manifest himself as the LEFT. For one individual to judge another is similar to the kettle calling the pot black, but on the other hand, calling Hitler a Madman or a Nazi was only defining the enemy in the 1940’a, and today calling the LEFT the enemy is logical. Failure to point out the enemy is self defeating. I feel serious emotional stress due to the attitudes of many Americans. Their failure to see through the lies of the LEFT, and their refusal to seek truth is very troubling. It seems that when the truth is obvious the LEFT chooses to ignore it. I realize that there are many so-called-Christians who most probably don’t have a clue what being a Christian means, therefore, in their attempts to work their way into Heaven they commit many atrocities. They often become a member of Satan’s team never realizing what they are doing. It is the same with the Muslims. Muslims, like many so-called-Christians, are trying to work their way into heaven by doing evil and harm to humanity. With this so-called-religion, it is obvious on which team they are on. If a person or a group of people are enemies of justice they are soldiers of Satan. The LEFT has been calling Christians; “haters.” They don’t have a clue what a Christian really is, but they are quick to point out all of their flaws. So-called-Christians are no more Christian than Mohammad, yet the LEFT will label all Christians the same. TRUTH, whether we like it or not is still TRUTH. Truth is important, and to live without it is like never living at all. The LEFT doesn’t have a clue as to what they are for, they only know what they are against, and the majority of the time they don’t really know what it is that they are against. It seems to me that the primary thing that the LEFT is opposed to is being responsible to a Sovereign Creator God.


Two hundred and forty one years ago the people of the thirteen colonies had had a belly full of being told what they could do, when they could do it, how and where they could worship, and the fact that they had no say in the way or the amount that they were being taxed. These were the settlers who risk life and limb to break away from a tyrannical government and declare their independence from it. A declaration was written. Although the document was argued and changed by the delegates from the thirteen colonies, Thomas Jefferson was the primary author who later became the third POTUS. The name of the document is the DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE. Two paragraphs of the preamble is transcribed below: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.” Thus the Revolutionary War began, was fought and the settlers won the war. A few years later a Constitution and the Bill of Rights was ratified. Since then, America has had a colorful history; there has been much blood letting and sacrifice in the name of liberty and freedom. As a nation we have made many mistakes, and most of them were because our leaders failed to adhere to their oaths to follow and defend the Constitution of the United States. All Americans should know the truth about Independence Day, however, few of them know and many of them don’t seem to think it is significant at all. If you deal with cattle here in Oklahoma you know that the horse and riders are not necessary to control the herd. You only need to feed them a few cubes every other day or so and when you show up and rattle a bag partially filled with cubes all the cattle will come a running. The next thing they know they are headed for the Sale Barn. And, eventually they will end up on a grill being cooked as steaks or burgers in celebration of what ever. There is a huge number of Americans who are always listening for the rattle of those cubes in that paper feed bag; people who are more like cattle than American Patriots! HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY AMERICA


Wednesday Morning June 14, 2017 Well, thank heavens for the Capitol Police that accompanied the US Congressman who was shot this morning while partaking in a Baseball practice. The Officers did indeed save lives, and they deserve our utmost respect and appreciation! After the incident and during an interview of the Governor of Virginia, he accidentally stated that 93,000,000 deaths a day were caused by gun violence. And, later he was challenged by a news person and he recanted. “He meant to say 93 person a day. Even 93 persons per day is three times the truth exaggerated. The truth is 30 persons per day lose their lives due to gun violence, and most of them are drive by gang violence. My point is this; not everyone has a trained group of police officers follow them around to protect them from a shooting incidence such as the one that occurred this morning in Alexander, Va. In the USA traffic accidents claim more than 2900 lives per day, Heart disease claims 2500 lives per day, and Cancer claims 1620 per day. There is no way to determine how many lives are saved each year because of an armed society, but, I would be willing to bet that it is more than 30 per day. Many if not most of those who would harm another person are young men or boys who have no fathers or mentors to teach them to respect others, and as a result they live in constant fear. If they suspect others to be armed they most often will tread lightly. Most of the lives that are saved are never reported. Of course there are terrorist.  The more armed people around during a terrorist attack the less people the terrorist will be able to kill.  Don’t believe the LEFT for one moment that there must be more gun control than there already is. The laws on the books are enough to keep violence under control; however, the LEFT seems to be opposed to many of those laws.

London Bridge & Borough Market

LONDON ENGLAND I just saw on FOX news where terrorist have rundown pedestrians on London Bridge, and they have stabbed and shot others in restaurants in and near Borough Market. Two things that I have noticed while watching these reports, first the Bobbies are now armed which does little for the citizens, because by the time that the armed Bobbies show up it’s all over. And, the citizens are starting to fight back by throwing bottles and other available objects. The victims who are wounded or dead had little time or means with which to defend themselves. It takes much more to defend yourself from a knife or a gun than throwing a bottle.
Thank goodness for the National Rifle Association here in America. If and when an attack comes to our soil it will most probably be on the East or the West Coast simply because this is where the LEFT has created an anti-gun attitude. The terrorist know that they can do much more damage, kill more people, and make their statement stronger on the West or the East Coast than in any other place in the USA because there is no one to stop them. If terrorist were to try such an act in OKC or TUL, or even DAL, there would be a huge number of citizens pulling out their weapons and shooting these idiot terrorist in face. It’s too bad that after killing the terrorist that they wouldn’t continue and take their remains and feed them to hogs. There are entirely too many bed-wetting, thumb-sucking, LEFT WING liberals on the East and West Coast who are opposed to citizens being lawfully armed. GIVE ME A BREAK!


I’ve often thought about this movie that I watched more than 20 years ago. Today I’m watching it for the second time. As I watched I thought of all the deceived and misled young people of our day that have the immature idea that the solution to all of our problems is a democratic government. If we ever get the idea that democracy is always proper, always cares about it’s citizens, and always knows best, then we should watch this old black and white movie produced and directed by none other than Steven Spielberg. The arrogance of the LEFT won’t allow themselves to admit that such atrocities ever existed. Well, they did and during this Memorial Day it would be a wonderful movie to watch and share with the younger generation. Never ever forget that evil does exist in the hearts of all men. And, only a belief in a sovereign Creator God has the ability to curb such hateful attitudes.


“America is great because she is good. If America ceases to be good,   America will cease to be great.” ~Alexis de Tocqueville We as a Nation have lost our desire to be good. We seem to hold that other assets are more important than virtue and moral goodness. Some have come to believe that truth isn’t really important at all. I seems that trusting the truth has become almost impossible because many times the truth seems to be so complicated. Complicated it may be, but the real reason that people don’t seek the truth and refuse to trust it is their fear and their lack of courage.
During a conversation with a friend I realized that it isn’t the complexity of truth that’s the problem, it’s a lack of courage to accept the truth that is the real issue. If one is unable to trust the truth how can they be good? My friend went on to ask me what I would do if I were the Pastor of a Church, and during an altar call a gay couple marched down the aisle and wanted to join our fellowship? We both agreed that homosexuality is an abomination according to Almighty God, and that this occurrence would be very uncomfortable for most Pastors. Therefore, this is the primary reason that the sin of homosexuality is not proclaimed from most pulpits. Preaching of this truth would not only be politically incorrect but it could potentially stir up a firestorm of controversy. Of course, he went on to say that preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ and the abundance of His Grace was more important than identifying the sin of homosexuality. Although, homosexuality is an abomination to Almighty God, Jesus paid the price for all sinners who will accept His Amazing Grace. Love is the key here and who are we to judge a person’s heart? I can’t make a judgment like this, nor can any man or woman. Having said that the proof is in the pudding. How can one say that they have invited Jesus into their heart and completely ignore God’s Holy Word. There is less love and more fear in our society today. “There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear. For fear has to do with punishment, and whoever fears has not been perfected in love.”       1 John 4:18 ESV. Fear is a major problem in America. The real reason that America has become less good and virtuous than she used to be is because she is afraid of so many things. The courage to go against political correctness has become old-fashioned, and the LEFT is quick to slander and smear anyone with enough courage to speak the truth. If they can’t harm the truth with innuendo and slander they will attempt to shout louder than truth, and if they can’t shout louder than the truth, they will lie. Find the absolute truth and you will find absolute freedom. Anything less is being in bondage to deception.


There is a sharp contrast between the LEFT’s World-View and the Judeo-Christian World-View. The LEFT includes Communism as well as other atheistic World-views. The problem isn’t so much that the LEFT is unbelieving in the Bible, or that the Communist don’t believe in a Creator God. These are only the beginnings. The real problem is that the LEFT and the Communist believe that the Judeo Christian World View is totally stupid and that it is their duty to constantly lambast and belittle all Christians and Jews. Communist Russia doesn’t have a problem with the dictator of a Nation arbitrarily murdering his own citizens with chemical weapons. Communist Russia doesn’t have a problem with violating treaties. If there is no obligation to honor a Creator God why should there be a reason to honor a creed, a code, a contract or a treaty? Without these things chaos will always eventually rule. We in America, supposedly a Christian Nation, can see much chaos on our televisions and computers daily. On the other hand, Christians or Jews cannot fathom a group of people who believe that the entire Universe and World happened by pure chance or accident. This is precisely where the battle line is drawn. Although, many of the LEFT have a limited belief in a Creator God they don’t seem to be willing to compromise their views, especially when it comes to the abomination of Abortion and the abomination of the LGBTQ behavior, which is no less evil than adultery. Until there is some sort of agreement in World Views the battle will continue. Only with Almighty God’s help and protection will America remain the America that I was born into.


Our Worldview alters how we see things, therefore, what determines our Worldview is how we see things. It’s like the movie “Catch 22.” You claim to be crazy to do what you do, therefore, your not crazy because you claim to be crazy and that is perfectly normal, therefore, sane. Your damned if you do and damned if you don’t because what you do or don’t do the result is always the same. You are going to fly these dangerous missions until the war is over or you are badly wounded or killed. The reality of today is similar. However, it’s not whether we are crazy or not; it’s whether or not we are interested in the absolute truth or if we want to fabricate the absolute truth into a more comfortable truth (which is always a lie). The truth is that the only real comfort available is the absolute truth, but for reasons that are hard for the majority of us to understand we can’t see that. It’s this strong desire to fix the truth into what we wish it to be that leads us down the broad pathway to destruction. “. . . and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." ~Jesus (John 8:32 ESV)


There are really only two faiths in the world. Faith in God and faith in man. Everyone chooses one or the other. "But the serpent said to the woman, "You will not surely die. For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil." ~Genesis 3:4-5 ESV
Eve was the world’s first person deceived into accepting a LEFT Worldview. And, its corruption quickly spread to her husband Adam. “So when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was a delight to the eyes, and that the tree was to be desired to make one wise, she took of its fruit and ate, and she also gave some to her husband who was with her, and he ate. Then the eyes of both were opened, and they knew that they were naked. And they sewed fig leaves together and made themselves loincloths.” ~Genesis 3:6-7 ESV Now we are now experiencing life in the 21st Century, and things seem to be so complicated. Has anything really changed since Adam and Eve first sinned? Not really. We still have the option of placing our faith in God or we can place our faith in man. We are no less deceived by Satan than was Eve. Not choosing is a choice in itself, and by failing to choose we place our faith in fate or luck; the most foolish of choices. Where do you place your faith?


What can I say that will cause the LEFT to consider truth as a viable option to winning? After all is said and done a victory caused by deceit is no victory at all, but only another lie that must be later propped up by another lie, and later another and another and so on. I have come to the conclusion that there are truths that each of us do not like. And, that there is nothing that can be done to change the truth that is true into a truth that would be more appealing. It doesn’t matter how loud we scream or how much we try and divert our attention from it; the true and complete truth remains completely true!
What benefit is there in the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals to strike down, for a second time, the President’s perfectly correct Executive Order? There is no hate involved in trying to prevent terrorist from entering our borders; it is more an act of love than of hate. However, it is obvious that the LEFT is more interested in hate than they are of love especially when it comes to the present POTUS. It is obvious too that the LEFT hates anything patriotic, especially when it comes from the White House. Arrogance is the telltale of the LEFT. The LEFT doesn’t want the POTUS to accomplish what he said he would accomplish because if he does (and he will) it will expose their stupid ignorant arrogance for what it is. We are in a Spiritual Battle! It’s similar to what is found in Ephesians 6:12. “For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.” All of our effort should be to walk in a way that is pleasing to our Heavenly Father. It is only by the prayers of His children that Almighty God will allow this Nation to continue its greatness. I beg those of you who are being deceived by the LEFT to consider TRUTH to be the real victory not just winning some sort of fake battle with the POTUS.


It is heartbreaking to watch an honest and honorable idea to fall under sever Satanic attack. The original Idea of our Country and it’s Government was self-evident to our founding Fathers. The idea “that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” So states our Deceleration of Independence that continues to say that Governments are instituted among Men, to secure these rights, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. Later written in our Constitution’s Bill of Rights are the first ten amendments to the Constitution. Essentially, these first Amendments were created at the same time our Constitution was written and ratified. In these first ten Amendments We the People were guaranteed protection for specific rights. This protection was primarily to protect us from our Government or any form of takeover by some internal force. The founding Fathers realized that all men are inundated with evil and that only Almighty God is perfect. Therefore, they built a government with the protection of individual parts, each having limited power to halt any effort to over throw the Government from within. There are things not mentioned by our founders that were at the time taken for granted. Words and the meaning of words for example were extremely important then and still are today; however, many people today ignore their importance and their meaning. I’m not referring words that are hard to understand, I’m referring to words that are common and very easy to know exactly what they mean. Words like true and truth! Words like lying and dishonesty. Words like honor and honorable. Words like trust and trustworthy. Today we have those who would use what power they have to overthrow out Constitutional Republic. Like Soviet Spies and Terrorist, who are easily identified by their effortless ability to lie, the LEFT is the internal enemy of America, and they are more dangerous than Communism and Islam. The only morality each of these our enemies are willing to recognize is what will further their cause. In other words they all reserve the right to lie and to cheat. America’s weakness is found in the vulnerability of ignorant Americans. Satan is the great deceiver and it is easy to deceive the ignorant, a good example is the American LEFT. This conspiracy is a satanic one and there seems to be no identifiable leader other than Satan himself. Members of the LEFT are doing all that they can do to destroy President Trump’s ability to govern. The establishment within the Beltway, which is supported by Liberals of both coasts hate the POTUS with an intense hatred. After all, this establishment group, who has been in control for over one hundred years, have the most to lose. Unhidden truth is the bitterest pill for them; therefore they are trying their best to hide the truth and to destroy President Trump who represents the truth. Almighty God alone has the power to solve this particular problem. Already, God has snatched America out of the jaws of demonic destruction by allowing Donald Trump to become the President of the USA. Now Christians all over America and the World need to fall on bended knees and pray for this great nation like never before. The prayers of Christians are our only hope, because our future as America is all in the Hands of Almighty God.


There was a time, only a few short years ago, that almost everyone you passed along the way would offer you a friendly wave. Many times a driver would lift a finger from the steering wheel as a one-finger salute. I’m not talking about the international sign of disapproval, although, you would see that on occasion but very seldom and someone would have behaved in a way that was upsetting to another. Now days the vulgar sign is realized more than a friendly wave, however, you seldom see either. More often than not the drivers have a cell phone stuck to their ear.
Personally, I liked it when the friendly wave was the trend. It was like everyone was greeting one another with a recognition of, “hey, we’re in the same boat,” or “hey we are just a couple of guys on Czech Hall Rd, the only difference is I’m going North and you are going South,” or “hey you! How you doing?” Remember the song “What a Wonderful World” sang by Louie Armstrong? “I see friends shaking hands saying “How do you do?” They are really saying, “I love you.” The wave is similar. Are we so busy with life that we can’t live and love with one another? The once tiny City of Mustang used to be filled with people waving to each other as they passed. Anymore? Not so much. Is it because of the sudden growth? Or is it because we are so busy. I miss it very much. Still when I get away from populated places and drive through rural America I can get a wave from a passerby, but not nearly as often as twenty short years ago. Much of America has lost their way. Few know the God that created them. Fewer seem to care. I still try to wave at everyone I pass, because I love this country, and I desperately want to be recognized and loved by my fellow citizens. When I get a wave from a stranger, it makes my day, because I know that there are a few out there just like me!

The 59th Grammy Awards

Present music is a direct reflection of the present time of our lives. I love music for the most part but some of it I don’t understand, and some of it aggravates me to a point of anger. It is my belief that music is a direct link or connector to other dimensions. Some of those dimensions are spiritual, both good spirits and bad spirits, and some are unknowable and indefinable physical dimensions.   Music can transport you to a different time, it can bring to mind old times, good times and bad times. It can touch you deeply with precious memories of love and harmony. And, it can conjure up evil and hateful thoughts. It has the power to stimulate sensual and erotic feelings. Music is a powerful means to inspire and stimulate all kinds of movements and actions. Good music is ageless. Bad music won’t last much longer than the lifetime of the writers and performers. Some music is entertaining some of it is so confusing that it requires audacious dress and behavior for the music to survive the year. The 59th Grammy Awards was a spectacular demonstration of audacity in music, dress and behavior.  Congratulations to ADELE! She was the big winner! The music of today most certainly reflects the time of our present day lives. Almighty God was mentioned occasionally by a few of the performers in gratitude for their success.  However, there was a large portion of the Grammy Awards that seemed to me like a worship service and the primary god that was worshiped was not Almighty God, Creator of the Universe. I could easily believe that the vast majority of those present at the Awards Celebration were people with a LEFT WORLD VIEW. It is appalling to me that there are so many people who will follow the lead of the present day performers. I can’t help but believe that the performers know that much of their product will never accomplish anything good.  And, I believe that some of them are in the business to deliberately lead people astray and away from truth. It’s just an opinion. But, if the truth were known you might agree with me.

The Federal Judge James Robart a LEFT winger?

To paraphrase President Trump’s latest executive order of banning people from seven countries from entry into the USA; he simply wants to temporarily prevent people from these seven countries from entering the US. In his opinion the risk of allowing them inside our country outweigh the benefit their presence could be dangerous for American Citizens. Don't forget what has recently happened in Paris, London, and Brussels. Somehow this behavior has to be stopped! It is that simple.
The LEFT could care less about a few American being killed, their only interest is to discredit the POTUS. It seems winning at any cost is their only motivation for destroying the American way of life. It appears that Judge James Robart, the Judge that placed a stop to this ban, has succumbed to the deception of the LEFT. In spite of all the rhetoric from the LEFT the truth remains true. However, the LEFT doesn’t believe that there is such a thing as truth. All of the so-called news media (actually the LEFT propaganda machine) is full steam ahead at destroying the POTUS. It has come to the point that if NBC, CNN, CBS, ABC or PBS says something or writes something you can pretty much count on the fact that is probably is filled with untruth. It is absolutely untrustworthy and unreliable. FOX has it’s flaws, but for the most part it avoids untruths and tries to expose them. Beware of the LEFT, as the vast majority of what it says and writes is wrong and untrue. Remember you can expect all of the people to be fooled some of the time, and some of the people to be fooled all of the time, but never expect all of the people to be fooled all of the time. Don't be in bondage to the deception of the LEFT. Search for and find the truth, finding and accepting it can set you free.


Yesterday was an interesting day for me. The day started with two of my Granddaughters and I going to Sunday school. The time spent with my Granddaughters is awesome, but I happen to have one of the best Sunday School Teachers in the World which adds much value to my Sundays. Someday I must say more about him, because he is worthy of good thought. The day ended at my Son’s house watching the Super Bowl with the family, and what a game that turned out to be. Old stats were broken and new ones put in their place. I was pleased at the half time score because I was pulling for the underdog, The Atlanta Falcons, and at half time it looked to be a boring game with the Falcons easily overpowering the Patriots. I was a little disappointed because I wanted to see a more entertaining contest. The Half Time Show was a spectacular event, although and as usual, it was much too erotic. Lady Gaga is certainly a talented singer and performer but much of her performance should be reserved for her spouse, and only behind closed doors. As usual some of the commercials caused me to laugh out loud but many of them seemed mundane as most commercials do! Great time with the family, lots to eat and drink, lots of love from all. Gran (Linda) had previously bought the granddaughters a tiny Yorkie dog, and once you get to know her you can’t help but love her. They named her Charlie Bell and she has joined right into the madness of the Doudney house. It’s always fantastic to spend time with those you most dearly love. Andy and I are the only two males in a group of seven; we need Ashley and my grandsons here to help even the score that would make us four out of ten. Back to the game. By the end of the third quarter I was already pulling for Tom Brady and the Patriots. I not only wanted them to make a comeback, but I wanted to see them win! I was pleased to see the first time ever Sudden Death Over Time Play Off in Super Bowl History. What a wonderful example of determination on the part of the Patriots. When all the odds were totally against them they continued the fight. The same could be said for the Falcons, because they fought a good fight as well. Win or lose the game was a wonderful example of grit and determination. It brings to my mind a poem by Robert Service entitled “Carry On.” We the people of America are faced with similar odds in our fight to remain American, and we must never give up. Our struggle is a righteous one. We must develop an attitude of never quitting! When things seem the darkest we must carry on! Our adversary, the LEFT, will never quit until they destroy all that is good in America.


It’s much more than an assumption that Satan knows who Almighty God IS and Satan knows that Jesus has already defeated him. He knows that because of his defeat it is too late for him, he knows that someday soon he will be cast into a lake of fire where he will spend eternity with all of those he managed to deceive here on Planet Earth. The question is why would Satan behave this way having already been defeated? I’ve thought about this a great deal and my only conclusion is that he is in his final death-throes. Since his defeat the Devil understands that he is doomed and his future is grim. Hate, deception and fear are among the few tools that remain available to him, (and powerful tools they are). Therefore, the only way the devil can achieve any self-satisfaction is to harm the Church and deceive as many people as he can into believing his lies. He believes (his belief may be true, I don’t know) that the more people that he can keep away from believing and trusting in God, the more pain and distress he can cause Jesus and The Father.
“Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.” ~The Apostle Peter (1 Peter 5:8) If there is any advise that could possible pass along to the millions of people in the world who are in bondage to the lies of Satan it is this: Search for the truth and don’t quit searching until you find it. When you find it, accept it and the truth will set you free like you have never been free before! “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” ~Jesus the Christ (John 14:6)


As sure as the Sun Shines and the Wind Blows, the LEFT will ALWAYS be opposed to America and the American way of life.  Why is that? The American Experience was built on the idea that Almighty God IS and that all of mankind is accountable to HIM.  A truth that is uncomfortable for many, however this truth is, has, and always will be true. Many civilizations have fallen simply because they refused to hold themselves accountable to the truth.  We are presently involved in a huge battle for the very existence of America and the battlefield is already littered with millions of causalities.  Think about the millions of murderous abortions performed simply for the sake of convenience. The opponents in this battle are the Americans with a Judaeo-Christian World View and so-called-Americans with a LEFT World View.  Both sides are filled with sinful human beings,  but it’s not about the individuals. The battle is the idea of coalescing with sin or of opposing sin. And, of course the definition of sin is important. The primary reason for this great battle has to do with sexual promiscuity. This observation is obvious. Consider the Sexual Revolution of free sex, adultery and the LGBTQ movement that has taken place and is presently taking placed. Television, the internet, the propaganda machines (formally called news media), and billboards are inundated with sexual promiscuity. Many truth things can be said about the LEFT and all of them point to the fact that the LEFT does not want to be accountable to ALMIGHTY GOD.  So many of them refuse to admit that there is a Creator, an Almighty God that we (His created) are accountable to.  Many of those on the LEFT have been blessed with wonderful brains.   Many of the LEFT are intellectual geniuses, however, one has to be pretty stupid to think that if a person believes something that isn’t true long enough and hard enough and convince others to believe the same stupid lie, that it somehow will become true. The issue is all about accountability to the TRUTH.

EVENTS JANUARY 9th & 10th, 2017

Last night we had the opportunity to watch a fantastic football game. And the underdog won. I was very pleased. It was an honest effort by both teams! Tonight we have had the opportunity to watch America’s first Black President explain himself in his farewell address. I believe that Barack Hussein Obama is the first President who has leaned to the LEFT during his entire administration. His Worldview is more to the LEFT than the RIGHT and IS NOT a Judeo Christian Worldview. Best case, the President is a secular man.
Barack Hussein Obama is NOT 100% African American. His mother, Stanley Ann Dunham, was a white lady and his father; Barack Hussein Obama Sr. was a Kenyan senior governmental economist. Therefore, the President is only half Black. Unlike that vast majority of Black Americans, there are no American slaves in Barack Hussein Obama’s lineage. How can he really relate to real Black Americans? Honestly, I have never liked him because of his Worldview. When he won the first time I was more than willing to give him the opportunity to succeed and I was more than willing to wait and see what he could do. He didn’t do much, and I was horribly surprised that he won the second term, but he did. Now it appears that he will always be a person who will intentionally be a thorn in the side of Americans with Judeo Christian Worldviews. I don’t like him because he has damaged the United States of America. We are now $19.9 trillion in debt. Health care is a total failure; the cost has risen 43%. Foreign Policy has been a total failure; Iran is on the verge of becoming a nuclear power, along with North Korea. Unemployment is at an all time high. These are only a few of the failures of his administration. And, he is selling his administration as his great success. Now we will see what he will do as a former President. I hope and pray that he will do the right thing for America. One thing is for sure, he is a great speech maker!