Being an American Veteran is an honor.  Being in any branch of the Armed Forces of the United States of America and being honorably discharged is being a veteran.  It is an honor to have served with so many young men and women who are now old men and women.  And, many of those who served are no longer among the living.  Looking back to the sixties, when I was called a GI (Government Issue), I remember that there were many who spit on GIs, who looked down on them and called them baby killers.   Although, the politics of these critics may have been correct and I now agree that we as a nation should not have been in Vietnam, the USA being there was not the warriors fault.  I thank God that we have Warriors who are willing to fight the fight. We ask our young men and women to go into harms way and risk their lives and their limbs to fight the good fight against what are perceived to be our enemies.  They do this and this is good.  I honor these veterans of the past who have given much to serve.  And, I honor the warriors who are presently serving.  Two of my good friends gave their lives in Vietnam.  One of my good friends was shot down in North Vietnam and served for four long years in the Hanoi Hilton.  Many have paid dearly in battle on behalf of we the people who call ourselves Americans.  I served in the US Army, although never in harms way, and I’m proud to be a veteran.  It was an honor to serve such a great nation.   America is great because it’s ideals have always been far above the world’s ideals.   Although, being a nation with Judeo/Christian values we have allowed many within our government to violate their sacred oaths of office and to commit insurrection and treason against the Constitution and the American people.   This travesty has been taking place for more than a hundred years and continues today.  The top conspirator is Satan himself.  America is involved in a spiritual battle.   It seems to me that Satan’s primary tool is deceit, and what better way to promote deceit than to start with the children.   Satan has hidden truth from the children of America for so long that I am doubtful that America can recover.    The vast majority of the children of America live in ignorance.  I challenge you to ask everyone you meet the question; “Where do our rights come from?”  I ask you where do our rights in America come from?  If you don’t know then you might be part of the problem.  So, before you start asking others this question.   I recommend that you read the Declaration of Independence.  And in the first sentence of the second paragraph you will find the answer to my question.  And in the second sentence of this same paragraph you will find the reason that our government was instituted. Know the truth and the truth will set you free!