Nike Supports Gay Pride, but I DON’T !

I have spent my last dollar at the Nike Store and for anything associated with Nike such as Converse or Hurley. It saddens me to think that a company that is associated with such fine products has come out in support of Gay Pride.  Nike is behind this movement so much so that they have created a new colorful shoe which they have named #BeTrue.   According to Esquire, all profits from the sale of the athletic giant's rainbow-hued #BeTrue collection will be donated to the LGBT Sports Coalition.  LGBT in an acronym for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender.


I have already withdrawn all my support and refused to purchase anything that has to do with STARBUCKS because their CEO, Howard Schultz, affirmed the company's support for same-sex marriage at a shareholder meeting earlier this year.  (This cost them hundreds of dollars annually because I loved their coffee and paid the high price for a cup of it more often than I’d like to admit.)   


I am not what many people would call a ‘homophobe.’  Wouldn’t being a homophobe indicate that I was afraid of homosexuality?  I’m not afraid.  Nor do I feel any hatred toward anyone who claims to be a homosexual.  I do not probe into other people’s sexual life anymore that I would probe into their toilet habits or their daily hygiene habits.  These things are personal and none of my business.  I have friends and acquaintances that may be homosexuals, some of them more blatant than others, and some of them may be a little different and not gay at all.  Like I said many times in the past, I have no friends or acquaintances who are prefect, and I am a chief among sinners.   Although I am not a homosexual, I have no right to throw a stone toward any homosexual person or anyone else for that matter.  


It's a fact, the promotion of the homosexual lifestyle means the dilution of the family unit.  This is a very scary fact.   The family unit is the very first form of government and Almighty God designed it Himself.   I believe that God caused the Flood that destroyed all of humanity except for Noah and his family, and He did this because of the rampant homosexuality going on at that time.  And later in history, Sodom and Gomorrah were cities that were totally destroyed because of the sins of homosexuality.   God’s Word, the Holy Bible, is very explicit in both the Old and the New Testaments’ in its condemnation of the Homosexual lifestyle.  So, when we study history we find that there is nothing new under the sun.  And, we human beings repeat the same destructive sins year after year knowing the foolishness of it all!   It is obvious to me after looking back 60 years in my own life, the disintegration of the family unit is underway and it’s accelerating exponentially. 


Although I can’t and will not allow myself to judge Gays or Lesbians, I don’t have to support those who do support and promote the homosexual lifestyle.  Any support of LGBT Sports Coalition is an attack on the family unit.   I have withdrawn any support for Nike, Inc. and Starbucks all together. 

