When you smell the putrid aroma of decomposing flesh in your house you probably ascertain that it’s a dead mouse hidden somewhere. You search and search but can’t locate the problem. Ever once in a while a strong whiff of it spurs you on to find a solution. You borrow the neighbor’s dog, but he proves to be as inept as a midget with a yoyo. Then someone suggest that you get a dog that has the ability to sniff out your problem.   It doesn’t take a good dog long to find the mouse remains. Dead mouse is gone and all is well, until of course, another mouse decides to die in some remote place inside your home. It takes vigilance and effort keep a house livable. A place to entertain friends, raise children and enjoy the fruits of your labor. It’s the same with a Nation. And, as a Nation, America has had to tolerate a certain number putrid odors. Now America has become filled with a stench of more than just one dead mouse.   And the people seemed to have become so accustomed to the stench that they barely realize that it exists.   Few of you remember the “privy” which is commonly called “the out house.” On first arrival the odor could make you gag, however, after reading an article or two in the newspaper you hardly notice the stench. It is the same here in America. Our founding fathers allowed us a great dog that could sniff problems quickly, however the present dog (the news media) has become so inept and corrupt that they may be part of the bad odor that only a remaining few can actually smell.One of the dead mice that smell so putrid is secular humanism. The odor of this philophsy is so rancid that there is nothing good that will come from it. Progressives are infavor and permote secular humanism. When it comes to the heart and soul there is no difference between secular humanism and communism. Both refuse to admit that there IS or ever was a Creator God. Facts are facts and the refusal to admit the fact that there IS a souvern God who created each of us and gave to us the ability and the freedom to think and to choose is indistinguishable from total foolishness. As you can understand after living on planet Earth for only a few years many people lazily choose stupid over understanding. Do you remember TravelGate? It smelled like a dead skunk! Do you remember The Whitewater Development Corporation and the real estate venture with Jim and Susan McDougal and the Clintons? In 1994 President Clinton’s Attorney General Janet Reno initiated an investigation. An investigation was initiated by Janet Reno for fraud accusations regarding The White Water Development Corporation co-owned with their friends Jim and Susan McDougal. Hillary Clinton was the central figure and the probe revealed pervasive conflicts of interest between and the Rose Law Firm, where Hillary Clinton was Partner, and it’s client, Madison Guaranty, owned by Clinton’s business partner Jim McDougal. Hillary Clinton claimed billing records subpoenaed that were critical to the investigation were lost were presumed that they were stolen from Vince Foster’s office the night he died. Nineteen months later after the Clintons were acquitted of the charges, and suddenly many of the lost records reappeared in the Clintons residence. As Hillary’s finger prints were all over the records Hillary was under suspicion of obstruction of Justice. Susan McDougal went to prison because she refused to testify against the Clintons. (Could Susan’s refusal to testify against the Clintons have something to do with what happened to Vince Foster? Could she have been afraid to testify?) President Clinton later gave her a pardon. Do you remember Vince Foster’s death? No investigative person would in anyway believe that his death was a suicide. Not to mention many other shady and conspiratorial things that Hillary was and is involved in. Smells like a dead skunk in the middle of the road to me.  I haven’t mentioned Bengasi Libya! Hey, if it walks like a duck, swims like a duck and quacks like a duck, chances are that it’s a duck! I heard it said of Hillary somewhere on the news today or yesterday that she is a congenital liar. That would mean that she was born that way. This could be said of any of us, because we all have a tendency to color the story placing ourselves in a better light. But there is a difference between congenital and pathological. A pathological liar has abused his or her conscience so much that they begin to believe their own lie. I don’t know if this is the case of Hillary or not but one thing is for sure she doesn’t seem to mind stating as many untruths as she deems necessary to farther her own agenda. Check out this video for more of Hillary’s shady stories. It is well done and not offensive in any way.