Through much loss in blood and treasure the Allied Forces were finally able to get Hitler’s ATTENTION! The citizens of Italy were finally able to get Benito Mussolini’s ATTENTION. Ronald Reagan was finally was able to achieve Colonel Muammar al-Gaddafi’s ATTENTION. Ronald Reagan was even able to get last leader of the Soviet Union, Mikhail Gorbachev’s, ATTENTION. Remember in the movie? The godfather was able to get the Hollywood producer’s ATTENTION. President Donald Trump has the ATTENTION of the LEFT; he has the ATTENTION North Korea’s Rocketman; and he has the ATTENTION of the rest of the world. What about the American Bureaucrat?  Some of them are total numbskulls; some of them don’t know why they are where they are; most of them don’t care why they are there.  I can’t think of many good things to say about them! However, I’m sure that there are a few quality people who are truly civil servants somewhere within our federal agencies.  But, for the most part, they have been pampered, coddled and taken care of for so long that they have become the highest echelon of those who make a good living on entitlements.  It's the MONEY, the HARD EARNED MONEY that our government robs from the American workers and gives to the bureaucrat that make them tick.  They take the treasure and  most of them give absolutely nothing in return. My question is how do you get the ATTENTION of the typical American Bureaucrat in order to get them to do something or to get some simple something done? It seems to be impossible to get their ATTENTION. Most of them just don’t give a damn about anything or anyone except themselves. Diplomacy doesn’t work. Kindness and cordial politeness doesn't  seem to faze them. Mark my word! SOMEONE, SOMETIME, SOMEWHERE, SOMEHOW IS GOING TO GET THE ATTENTION OF OUR AMERICAN BUREAUCRATS. PROBABLY ONE AT A TIME, BUT IT WILL HAPPEN! They are no longer a solution for much of anything. For-the-most-part they are a huge part of THE AMERICAN PROBLEM.