Christmas, Jesus and Relationships

If Almighty God has perfect love for us all; I believe that He does, and the Bible says that He does. If Almighty God has infinite wisdom and understanding; I believe that He does, and the Bible says that He does. If Almighty God is sovereign and in control of everything from each sparrow that falls to each and every President and King that rules; I believe that He does and the Bible says that He does. If all this is true, and I believe that it is, then why do we all allow anxiety, jealousy, arrogance, greed and other hurtful and sometimes hateful attitudes and behaviors into our lives?
I believe it is all a matter of constantly trusting Him and daily doing our very best to obey Him in everything that we do; then at the end of the day leaving all of consequences to Him. Then going to bed knowing that He has our lives in the palm of His loving hand. Then we can sleep with a peace that is beyond all understanding. Easer said than done you might say? Maybe. I believe that it takes a personal relationship with Almighty God and that relationship can only take place through the miracle of Jesus Christ, His only Son. And, the Bible says this is so. In order to receive the benefits of a family you must first be adopted into that family. And that is what Christmas is all about. Jesus came to be payment for our sins and failures. He came to die for each of us so that we could be born again and become perfect children of God. Remember it takes more than just being adopted into the family. It takes a personal relationship. It is this personal relationship that I have with Almighty God through Jesus Christ that I find peace and joy in my life. Being born again is important and the first step, but Joy and Peace come from the relationship. MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!