Here are 21 realities that WILL take place if the promoters of the LEFT (Biden/Harris and the Democrats) take over after this next election.  I gleaned this list from a “Family Talk” program and the book “The Assault on America” by Alex McFarland. Some of it is word for word and some of it is not but I believe that what is said here is the truth.

1. They will pack the Supreme Court by adding 2 to 4 Justices.   This would allow   the LEFT to legislate from the bench.  It would expand LGBTQ’s rights and other liberal issues.

2. They will give citizenship and voting rights to approximately 15 million illegals.

3. They will relax border security ultimately adding 1 to 2 million new undocumented voters each year.  

4. They will increase the number of legal immigrants annually allowed into the US.

5. They will allow unregistered voters to show up, register and vote all-in-one on election day.

6. Mail in ballots will become the norm and allowing people to proxy vote for others will become law.

7. In the name of Justice and Civil Rights the requirement for a photo ID when voting will be outlawed. 

8. Election days will become federal holidays in order for federal employees to vote.

9. The Electoral College will be abolished. (which would mean that normal working Americans, like truck drivers, Airline Pilots, farmers, and many others would have to bow to the wishes of Californians and New Yorkers.  It would be the beginning of the end of our great country.) 

10. Voting age will be reduced to 16 or 17 years of age and students will be allowed to and encouraged to vote in their high schools.

11. Former felons will be restored the right to vote, and possibly will be allowed to vote while incarcerated.

12. Repeal of the Hyde Amendment, currently prohibiting the use of tax dollars to pay for abortions, will take place soon after the Inauguration of our next Democrat President.  (Interesting fact is that President Obama violated this Amendment January 2009 by appropriating federal money for abortion on Military bases.)  

13.  Military spending will be greatly reduced.  (President Donald Trump has increased Military spending and it has greatly improved America’s position in the World, decreasing the need for American men and women to be involved in all these little wars that have occupied our lives for the last 75 years.)

14. The pressure to limit the authority of local law enforcement will intensify; federal funding to states, for schools and roads will be withheld contingent on compliance with liberal policies coming out of Washington.  Local citizens will have less and less to say about their own municipalities and about their own security in general. 

15. Private ownership of guns will become illegal.

16. Religious activities will be strictly restricted to the inside of churches, synagogues or mosques.

17. Criticism of liberal beliefs and immoral behaviors will become hate speech punishable by fines and/or jail time.  (This is almost a reality now!)

18. Entitlements; health care, a guaranteed income, “free college tuitions” will be given to all citizen and non-citizen whether or not people agree to work.

19. Billions of dollars will be spent for reparations beginning first with disbursements to African Americans then quickly to other “oppressed ethnicities” as well.  (this could include native Americans and reparations for the supposedly persecuted and oppressed LGBTQ people.

20. Green energy Policies will continue to dominate the platforms of democratic candidates and leaders; mandates to comply with the minutia of enviro friendly laws will be enforced not only for businesses but also upon homeowners.

21.  American Sovereignty will be relinquished to mandates coming forth from the United Nations and the World Health Organization.  Although the full ceding of leadership may take as much as a decade ultimately leadership of America will be in the hands of committees staffed by representatives from member nations of the United Nations and of the World Health Organization.

It doesn’t require a Rocket Scientist or a Brain Surgeon to understand what the LEFT is attempting to do.  It must be understood, however, that they are attempting this in the interest of their own selfishness and sinfulness.  I’ve said it many times before this controversy is a battle between God and Satan, between good and evil, between the LEFT and Conservative Christians. PRAY & VOTE!