What About The So-Called Area 51? Near Las Vegas, Navada

Suppose that the truth about "area 51, and captured aliens" is a hoax implemented by people in high places.

1st.  Is this scenario possible?  And, if not likely possible then which is more likely, a hoax, or have we really been visited on planed earth by aliens from time to time since the late 1940s up until present day?  And, if we have been visited by these aliens why is it such a secret? 

2nd.  Who would benefit the most from a hoax of this nature?  If it is a lie or a hoax, and it worked on the American People would it save the free American people from self destruction due to panic and sheer fear?   Can a true Christian whose  faith is built on a belief in Jesus Christ be convinced of such aliens invading the planet?  If Christians are not afraid of the possibility of aliens then can they be convinced that the hoax is to save the rest of the nation from its own false fear?  The question remains; who would benefit from this probable hoax, and why?

3rd.  Why would a professing atheist try to destroy the integrity of Christians? Who would benefit?

4th.  Could 'fear' be a weapon in the hands of influential people in high places?   What about the fear of extraterrestrial invasion?  What are the chances of an extraterrestrial invasion?   Most intelligent people, are not easily frightened with this prospect, especially if they have faith in a loving Almighty God?

5th.  Is there any possible truth to the idea that this probable hoax was devised by the highest and most powerful people who have joined Satan in his endeavor to conquer the World? 

6th.  Could it be a possibility that the creation of such a hoax; the primary purpose being to cause people of the united States and the world to be consumed by so much fear that they are easily manipulated into turning their backs on  Almighty God, the Holy Bible, the Constitution of the united States, the Bill of Rights, America and everything that these things stand for?  Won't they be able to understand that by believing this most probable lie they will be giving up all liberty and freedom for a tiny bit of unity with the ignorant masses of the world, led by the powers of deception?

7th.  Either way how could this secret place, probably strongly promoted by secret societies and deceitful people, be anything other than a conspiracy?  Either way it is a lie to the American people by those in power, some of them having made oaths to support and uphold the Constitution of the united States.

8th.  This sounds far out doesn't it? Wasn't  the premise of using this kind of fear tested for credibility with the CBS presentation of "The War Of The Worlds" by Orson Welles and the Mercury Theatre on October 30, 1938? The public believed it was real thus setting the stage for the implementation of an alien threat scenario...

9th. Shouldn't we be upset when someone mentions "A New World Order?

Well I haven't said anything that isn't true I have only asked very serious questions about real things and real places in real time.  What do you think?  I would love to hear from you.

~Adverse Yaw