I have recently discovered that I have been infected with a disease common to many Christians. The disease is the unrelenting deep burning desire to know and understand Truth. Anything less than the whole truth is more than an irritation to me. I realize that I’m far from perfect, but have been given a limited ability of discernment when it comes to truth. I know this for sure, TRUTH is Paramount. Among the many things that True Christianity (defined as a person with a personal relationship with Jesus Christ) has over any other form of religion, cult or Church government is TRUTH. Communism is the only totally atheistic form of government in the World which means that treaties and honor have no meaning. The only thing that these abstract qualities mean to a Communist is that some of their opponents believe in them which make their opposition weak and vulnerable. Communism is honest only that they claim Atheism as their religion or anti-religion however you want to say it. The book of Buda suggest that a lie is appropriate as long it benefits the good of the majority. In America the majority seem to be interested in only partial truths. Most Americans seem to be more interested in themselves, their prosperity and their feelings than they are the whole truth. Truth is most often evaporated into an invisible gas by rationalization. The Islamist have gained strength, power and dominance in North Africa, the middle East which includes Turkey, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Syria, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, United Arab Emirates, Europe, the United Kingdom and parts of Canada. This subtle attack of aggression is continuing into the USA this very hour. Their objective is total World dominance, I've only mentioned a fraction of their present day presence. Their primary enemies are Israel and the USA. This group of people are very deceptive and their intention is to subtlety take over America from within. They are already actively trying to destroy The Constitution of the United States of America. Read below what I have discovered about one Arabic word; taqiyya (pronounced ta key ah) most often used by Islamist or Radical Muslims. Taqiyya is a word that gives meaning to the main differences between the Christian belief the Muslim belief. Of all the religions that I have read about . . . Christianity is the only one that places paramount importance upon truth. Almost all other religions or beliefs allow a certain amount of deceit. As transcribed from "The Cross in the Shadow of the Cresent" ~by Erwin W. Lutzer. ““This concept of taqiyya is taught in the Quran: “Let not the Believers take for friends or helpers Unbelievers rather than Believers: if any do that, in nothing will there be help from Allah, except by way of precaution, that ye may guard yourselves from them” (3:28). One Muslim commentator said this about taqiyya: “It is lawful for a believer…to keep his faith concealed and to behave in such a manner as to create the impression that he is on the same side as his enemies… he may even state that he is not a believer.”” See the nine-minute video which is extremely revealing to any and most Americans who are ignorant about the Muslim religion. Like it or not America is being subtly over taken by Radical Muslims or Islamist. This Video is important and educational. Please take the time to watch it. http://bit.ly/12CDGM The following is most educational, interesting and important. ~Adverse Yaw