America is under attack and TRUTH is paramount to our survival as a nation.

Among the many things that True Christianity has over all other forms of religions, cults and/or Church governments is TRUTH.  (I define a Christian as a person with a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.  There are more name only Christians than not, and the number of ‘none’ in America is staggering.)


Communism is the only totally atheistic form of government in the World.  This means that treaties and honor have no meaning to them what-so-ever. The only thing that these abstract qualities mean to a Communist is that some of their opponents believe in them.  They feel that these beliefs make their opposition weak and vulnerable. Communism is total deceit.

  The book of Buda teaches that a lie is appropriate as long it benefits the good of the majority.  In my opinion, most religions, other than Judaism and Christianity, utilize deceit throughout their doctrine.

The Islamist have gained strength, power and dominance in North Africa, the middle East which includes Turkey, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Syria, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, United Arab Emirates, Europe, the United Kingdom and parts of Canada. This subtle attack of aggression is continuing into the USA this very hour. Their objective is total World dominance; I've only mentioned a fraction of their present day presence. Their primary enemies are Israel and the USA. This group of people is very deceptive and I believe that their intention is to subtlety take over America from within. They are already actively trying to destroy The Constitution of the United States of America by introducing Sharia Law.  Truth means nothing to the Islamist; they will say anything and do anything for what they consider victory.  Victory to them is total destruction of all Christians and all Jews.


In America the majority seem to be interested in only partial truths. Most Americans seem to be more interested in themselves, their prosperity and their feelings than they are the whole truth. In America truth seems to evaporate by the means of rationalization.


If you were to take a scoop of excrement and put it into a half-gallon of Blue Bell Ice Cream, you end up with a half-gallon of excrement and none of it would be fit to eat.  It is the same with truth, if you add untruth to it you end up with all untruth which has no useful value for good.


A great example is the 16th and 17th Amendments to the Constitution.  Both of them seem to defy the original logic and intent of the Constitution.   There are many who believe that neither of these amendments were lawfully ratified.  (I am one who believes that they were not lawfully ratified.)   A law that is unconstitutional or opposes God’s law is no law at all.   The IRS and the Federal Income tax should be eliminated.  If they were totally eliminated would the world stop spinning?  I think not.  This (unconstitutional) Tax seems to be the fuel and the power of politicians and other corrupt groups.  It has been becoming more and more out of control in the past fifty years, but it started exactly 100 years ago this year.  Now with the help of the “Progressives” things are getting crazy!  The 17th Amendment removed power from the individual states and thereby corrupting the original intended balance of power. 


If you have read this far, I am amazed!  Anyway, that is my two cents about the main problem we have in America.  I believe that the Clergy, Pastors and Evangelists all over the world should refuse to entertain anything other than the whole truth. Partial truth is no truth at all.