~ by Renda Brumbeloe It is generally accepted that the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989, marked the change from the modern era and ushered in the post-modern era. It brought about predominate world views that change how man thinks today especially in faith, truth and philosophy. I take a bit of a detour this week as I give a few thoughts that seem to come forward in my thinking. I remember a striking conversation that I had with Bill, my airline Captain friend in 1996. He always seemed to enjoy and encourage our open and free conversations. So I responded to him. “Let me understand what you are saying, that “What’s true for me is not necessarily true for you.” I suppose you would say this also true for anyone else like your wife and children as well. My immediate question would be: Do you have a family covenant where you all live by a unified code? I mean, my question is how you handle the idea of what is true in your family relationships and behavior if truth is not the same for all of you. Is not our faith and commitment to each other determined by what we accept or reject? I believe that it is.” Then my friend Bill smiled and quoted the President of the United States, who had recently testified under oath in 1995 when he said, “That depends on what the meaning of the word “is” is. With that statement you will remember the media swooned and applauded and the post-modern era went full bloom. Truth was again under full attack. There is a notion in our post-modern thinking that playing with words (word games) produce truth. Interpretation of text will produce facts. For example, take a poll. If enough people believe something to be true, then it must be true. Another infamous example from the O.J Simpson trial is: “If the glove does not fit, you must acquit.” However, God’s supreme example of Truth was in the covenant given to his people. It is known as God’s Covenant with Abraham. That was preceded in Genesis 2:17 with God saying to Adam and Eve, “You must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.” (Back to Bill) I was mystified. I knew our conversation had gotten a bit unwieldy when I said, “Bill, this is not the way you think when you fly. I’ve observed you. You follow the proven rules and procedures. You do not fudge at all.” “If we try to be the creator of own lives, we begin trying to decide our own truth. That is, we reject God and live in conflict with facts which ultimately cannot be resolved by our mere interpretation of words.” Now twenty years later, our nation is in deep trouble with honesty. I need not give examples and scandals. Political correctness, word games and rewriting history does not change facts. The fatal mistake is letting post-modern thought and culture change the truth we once believed. Morning Musing readers might enjoy my book, “Life at 35,000 Feet”, available in paperback and at Amazon.com and in Kindle downloads. Google Morning Musings. . . . . . . . . . If you have friends who would like to receive a free subscription to Morning Musings, with their permission send their email address to rendaual@aol.com . . . . . . . . Like myself, Renda is another retired Airline Pilot.   We both agree about the importance of TRUTH. I recommend his weekly Morning Musings. Send him an e-mail and he will place you on his list. Keep your speed up, awd