It’s not the disregard for the lives of the preborn that are murdered daily, nor is it the fact that lying has become apropos in our society and particularly in our politics. It’s not because the great deceiver has crept into the classrooms of our children, it's not even the fact that what was and still is an abomination to Almighty God has become the normal here in the USA. All of these are very evil things, but as it is stated in the book of Ecclesiastes which has been repeated by many a wise man; “nothing is new under the sun.” All these evils have happened many times before and will happen again and again until the very end of time. What bothers me the most is that my generation doesn’t seem to care. We Baby boomers have been consumed by the duplicity of pleasure, we have had more money than we can spend, more free time than we know what to do with; and yet we are the fly in the ointment; we are the spoilers of the American dream and the American way of life. The precious gift of liberty that was given to us by Almighty God is the same liberty that was used by our forefathers to build a Nation that is free. Don’t get me wrong, I know and understand that all generations from the beginning of our country until now have been plagued with flaws, mistakes, and sins of all kind, but this bunch of spoiled Baby Boomers takes the cake. There is much my generation could do to make things better, but we don’t seem to have the where-with-all or the desire to do anything about anything. Oh, we are hard workers that are almost always consumed with the pleasures of our work. Baby Boomers seem to be oblivious to the chaos that surrounds them. Is it oblivion that is our problem, or is it that we don’t want to rock the boat? We don’t want to call an abomination an abomination, or a lie a lie. We just want to take our retirement and enjoy the fruit of our past labor. We give little thought to the generations of our grandchildren. We very well may leave our children and our grandchildren enough money to be rich in material things, but what will be the condition of the society that we leave them? Will it be a society filled with gangs of poor and starving people with no families? Will the majority of newborns (that are allowed to be born) be fatherless? Isn’t it true that the number of fatherless children born today is growing exponentially? Isn’t it interesting that there are more people alive today than have died in the history of mankind? Isn’t it true that there are more homeless people today than ever before in America, and that homelessness is growing exponentially? Are the generations in the not so distance future going to be filled with people dying of diseases that haven’t been discovered yet? Will there be more people who will to steal and kill to survive? Will the more fortunate be forced to hire bodyguards to secure their possessions and their lives? I’m not an advocate of spending more money to feed the starving or to clothe the naked or to provide shelter for the homeless! Anyone with a desire for the truth can understand that there is no free lunch; someone has to pay for it, someone has to pay for everything. And, most assuredly ‘government’ is not the answer, any more than Socialism has ever been the answer for pain, suffering and starvation. Has it ever, or will it ever dawn on the citizens of this great nation that our government was instituted for one primary purpose? There is only one primary purpose of our United States government, and it is stated in our Declaration of Independence, and I quote: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.––That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,––That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, lying its foundation on such principles and organizing its power in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.” There is nothing in this great document that says that the responsibility of this government is to take treasure from the workers and give the same treasure to the lazy or even the ignorant. It hasn’t taken very long for my generation to spoil what Almighty God, and to a lesser degree, our founding fathers intended for America. And, how did this generation do that? We did it by ignoring the Truth. And, what is the Truth? Jesus Christ, Himself stated: “I am the way and the truth and the life.” John 14:6a. The whole Bible is about Jesus Christ, and Jesus Christ is all about everything. Nothing happens here on planet Earth without the consent of Almighty God. Nothing! Almighty God is the ultimate sovereign of the past, the present and the future. And, there is no way that we can plead our case to Him except through His only begotten Son Jesus Christ. Jesus told us that, and again I quote: “No one comes to the Father except through me.” John 14:6b. Jesus Christ has done everything for all of mankind. His simple gospel is the greatest news in all of history, and that good news contains incomprehensible blessings! But the fact, it seems, is that many of my generation have become deceived by sensuality, and the vast majority of the rest of us don’t want to rock the boat; many of us are too ignorant of scripture even notice the chaos and devastation that surrounds us. There is obvious corruption in the USA and the World; the principal leader and perpetrator of this subtle destruction and desolation is Satan himself. As distasteful as it is to me, I can accept that. Not that I’m above anyone else, because I’m not, but that is how it is and there is truly little that I can do about it. After all, I’m only a human being, and lately that fact sometimes makes me ashamed to be alive. But, there is hope. There is an element of young high school men and women that can smell the devastation that is overtaking America. I pray that they will find the truth and that the truth will set them free, and that their future will be one of victory through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Jesus is the one and only hope that we have!