December 20, 2019   At this point in my life I have no idea how much time remains for me to live here on planet Earth. I’ve told my granddaughters about Abraham’s life, how after loosing his wife Sarah to death, he re-married at the age of one hundred and twenty something and started a new family. I told them that Abraham continued to live until he was the ripe old age of one hundred and seventy five years old. My logic to them was that if he could live that long I should be able to make it to one hundred and fifty. At that time their ages (the twins) were in single digits, however, now they are eleven-years-old and they are not so sure I’ll make it that long. They have indicated this to me on more than one occasion. I’m sure that they’ve received council on this subject from their mom and dad. And, good council it was, because the older I become the more unsure I am that I’ll make it to ninety, much less a hundred and fifty, and already I know that I don’t want to live much longer than ninety anyway. I’ll gladly leave my departure time up to my Lord and Savior.   Looking back I find myself ashamed for the self-centered wrongs that I have committed, the people that I have disappointed, failed and harmed, the many disappointments that I have caused my Lord and Savior. In one way or another I have violated each of the Ten Commandments, and for this I am painfully ashamed.   I could spend many selfish hours feeling pity for myself but what good is a pity party anyway? Jesus Christ paid for my sins on the cross. No pity parties allowed; only thanksgivings. I must move on with my life doing the best that I can to trust and to obey Him for the rest of my life.   If I could pass along anything at all to the younger generations in the world and especially the United States of America, it would be that Jesus Christ is EVERYTHING. It was through Him that all things in this Universe were created. He came to Earth and was born of woman through an Immaculate Conception, and He came to earth for us. He lived thirty some years suffering all of the pain and disappoints of living as a human being, and He did this for us. And, then He suffered and died a horrible death on a cross for us. Then He arose on the third day for us. A few weeks after his resurrection He ascended to Heaven and to this day He sits on the right of His Heavenly Father, and He still it is for us.   Nothing is more important than Jesus Christ and having a personal relationship with Him! There is NOTHING anywhere near as IMPORTANT! Learn this early and devote your life to Him and allow Him to draw you near to Him and you will know peace, love and joy which will sustain you through hard times to come.