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The longer I live the more I realize the impact of attitude on life.

Attitude is more important than facts. Attitude is more important than the past. Attitude is more important than education, than money, than circumstance, than failures, than successes, than what other people think, say or do. Attitude is more important than appearance, than giftedness, than skill. It will make or break a company. It will cause a church to soar or sink. It will be the difference in a happy home and a home of horror.

Everyone has a choice everyday of the attitude they will embrace.

We cannot change our past. We cannot change the tick of the clock. We cannot change that march toward death. We cannot change the fact that people will act a certain way. We cannot change the inevitable.

BUT, we can choose the attitude that we embrace.

Whether we like it or not, attitude means everything to us and to everyone near and dear to us. When the bottom drops out or calamity comes, we can act aggressively and blame others, or we can act passively and submerge ourselves in self-pity. Either way, embracing these sorts of attitudes will drive others away and we may eventually find ourselves alone, or worse, we may find ourselves surrounded by others of a similar attitude.

 Life is 10% what happens to us and 90% how we react to it.

How do we cause our chooser to choose a good attitude when we are down? Good question. If you and I are truly born again into the family of God then we can apply the scripture below and our life will improve immensely. Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. Philippians 4:8 If you are not born again into God’s family you need to consider accepting the most wonderful and valuable gift ever offered to mankind. Accept the gift of Salvation. A starting place is John 3: 16. Check it out, this gift will change your life, and it is totally free. “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.” John 3: 16 Jesus Christ spoke these words Himself. If you are a human you are part of the world and being of this world means that God loves you more than you can comprehend. (I gleaned most of these thoughts from a sermon preached by Chuck Swindoll called 'Getting a Grip on Attitude.') awd

Eternal life

Accepting the gift of eternal life is the most advantageous thing that can be done on Planet Earth.   It's a gift, it's free to the receiver - no work required, and it will change your life.   There is nothing restrictive about it, you are still free to choose.    Actually this gift provides more liberty and freedom than you could have possibly ever had before.   There are no caveats, but you will be a new creature, with a new home and you will like it. I am so undeserving of this wonderful gift. But, Almighty God loves me unconditionally, and he paid an enormous price for my gift. And, through faith I accept it with my whole heart and soul. You can too! What could possibly be better news that that? (If you haven't received this wonderful gift and you want to know how.  Let me know and I'll show you.  Contact me!  It's free no strings attached.)

Three Degrees of Religious Knowledge

Much is said about faith, and about knowing God and about salvation.    Who on this earth can make  another person understand what it is like to walk with God, or to personally know him?    How can a person make another know about a personal relationship with Jesus.   I, we, they or anyone can only try to tell them about it and try to make them understand.   Some are better at it than others, but to tell someone what their relationship will be like and to define it in a finite way is imposable.  We can tell someone what it is like to be weightless.   We can tell them that it is fantastic and enjoyable, but until they have been weightless themselves they will not know what it is like.   To know God and to have the Holy Spirit to live in us is the same.  We can tell others that it is awesome, and that it should be their ultimate goal in life, but until they experience it for themselves they will never know. Does that make sense?  Read what AW Tozer has to say about things such as this.  It may take a little time because it is not all that easy of a read. It’s heaver reading than the funny papers, that’s for sure!  Check it out and relish it.  You won’t hear stuff like this everyday. ~Adverse Yaw

Three Degrees of Religious Knowledge

IN OUR KNOWLEDGE OF DIVINE THINGS three degrees may be distinguished: the knowledge furnished by reason, by faith and by spiritual experience respectively.

These three degrees of knowledge correspond to the departments of the tabernacle in the ancient Levitical order: the outer court, the holy place and the holy of holies.

Far in, beyond the “second veil,” was the holiest of all, having as its lone piece of furniture the Ark of the Covenant with the cherubim of glory shadowing the mercy seat. There between the outstretched wings dwelt in awesome splendor the fire of God’s presence, the Shekmah. No light of nature reached that sacred place, only the pure radiance of Him who is light and in whom there is no darkness at all. To that solemn Presence no one could approach except the high priest once each year with blood of atonement.

Farther out, and separated by a heavy veil, was the holy place, a sacred place indeed but removed from the Presence and always accessible to the priests of Israel. Here also the light of sun and moon was excluded; light was furnished by the shining of the seven golden candlesticks.

The court of the priests was out farther still, a large enclosure in which were the brazen altar and the lavar. This was open to the sky and received the normal light of nature.

All was of God and all was divine, but the quality of the worshipper’s knowledge became surer and more sublime as he moved in from the outer court toward the mercy seat and the Presence, where at last he was permitted to gaze upon the cherubim of glory and the deep burning Fire that glowed between their outstretched wings.

All this illustrates if it does not typify the three degrees of knowledge possible to a Christian. It is not proper that we should press every detail in an effort to find in the beautiful Old Testament picture more than is actually there; but the most cautious expositor could hardly object to our using the earthly and external to throw into relief the internal and the heavenly.

Nature is a great teacher and at her feet we may learn much that is good and ennobling. The Bible itself teaches this: “The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament showeth his handywork. Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night showeth knowledge.” “Go to the ant, thou sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise.” “Behold the fowls of the air.” “For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead.” Reason working on data furnished by observation of natural objects tells us a lot about God and spiritual things. This is too obvious to require proof. Everyone knows it.

But there is knowledge beyond and above that furnished by observation; it is knowledge received by faith. “In religion faith plays the part by experience in the things of the world.” Divine revelation through the inspired Scriptures offers data which lie altogether outside of and above the power of the mind to discover. The mind can make its deductions after it has received these data by faith, but it cannot find them by itself. No technique is known to man by which he can learn, for instance, that God in the beginning created the heaven and the earth or that there are three Persons in the Godhead; that God is love or that Christ died for sinners, or that He now sits at the right hand of the Majesty in the heavens. If we ever come to know these things it must be by receiving as true a body of doctrine which we have no way of verifying. This is the knowledge of faith.

There is yet a purer knowledge than this; it is knowledge by direct spiritual experience. About it there is an immediacy that places it beyond doubt. Since it was not acquired by reason operating on intellectual data, the possibility of error is eliminated. Through the indwelling Spirit the human spirit is brought into immediate contact with higher spiritual reality. It looks upon, tastes, feels and sees the powers of the world to come and has a conscious encounter with God invisible.

Let it be understood that such knowledge is experienced rather than acquired. It does not consist of findings about something; it is the thing itself. It is not a compound of religious truths. It is an element which cannot be separated into parts. One who enjoys this kind of knowledge is able to understand the exhortation in the Book of Job: “Acquaint now thyself with him, and be at peace.” To such a man God is not a conclusion drawn from evidence nor is He the sum of what the Bible teaches about Him. He knows God in the last irreducible meaning of the word know. It may almost be said that God happened to him.

Maybe Christ said all this more simply in John 14:21: “I . . . will manifest myself to him.” For what have we been laboring here but the sublimely simple New Testament teaching that the Triune God wills to dwell in the redeemed man’s heart, constantly making His presence known? What on earth or in heaven above can be a greater beatitude?

~A.W. Tozer

Why did God Harden the Heart of Pharaoh?

Why did God harden the hearts of the Pharaoh and many other Egyptians in the days when Moses and Aaron were asking and telling Pharaoh to let God’s people go?  I’m not an educated theologian, therefore, my understanding about much of the Bible is simply my own speculation.  Having said that, there are a few things that I do know.  Among them, and the most important, is that by the Grace of God and through His only Son Jesus  I have been adopted into the family of God. This is great news, and it’s great news everyday of my life from now until the end of eternity.  I have accepted this free gift and all who wish to know him have the same opportunity.  Another thing I’ve learned over the years is that there is such a thing as discernment.  I have sometimes been given this gift, however, to say so would seem arrogant, so I’ll use the word speculation . . . most people with understand the point I am trying to make.    I’ve also learned that much of what many theologians of our day are saying is also speculation.  Sometimes our speculations are right and sometimes they are wrong.   It seems that even those of us with a limited ability to understand have been given the ability and the liberty to speculate.  Shouldn’t we try and find truth in our speculations?  Even though the opposition would dampen our attempts to find truth shouldn’t we continue to struggle and fight in that direction? Why did God deliberately choose to harden the heart of that particular Pharaoh?  God Himself answered this question in the scripture several times.    In Exodus 7:3-5 (ESV) God stated,  “But I will harden Pharaoh's heart, and though I multiply my signs and wonders in the land of Egypt, Pharaoh will not listen to you. Then I will lay my hand on Egypt and bring my hosts, my people the children of Israel, out of the land of Egypt by great acts of judgment.  The Egyptians shall know that I am the Lord, when I stretch out my hand against Egypt and bring out the people of Israel from among them.”  This isn’t the last time that God made a similar statement about the hardening of the heart of Pharaoh.   The question remains, why?  Although, God is God, and He can do as he pleases, we may still wonder why he selected the Egyptian Pharaoh’s heart to harden?  If you will recall earlier in the book of Genesis, God chose to bless Egypt and the Egyptians through his servant Joseph.  From the time of Joseph to the departure of the children of Israel was around 430 years.  In the beginning the Pharaoh acknowledged the power and sovereignty of Joseph’s God, however, things changed over four centuries and the children of Israel were enslaved by later regimes.  Also, the Egyptian people were worshiping other gods.  The curse of Adams sin continued then as it does today.   The Egyptians felt that they knew a better way than God’s way and arrogantly did their own thing. We don't know how many years passed during the plagues, but the Egyptians suffered through 10 plagues before letting God’s chosen people go.  And, still after suffering the ten plagues Pharaoh’s heart was hardened again.  In Pharaoh’s hate and arrogance he personally took six hundred choice chariots and all the other chariots in Egypt and pursued the Children of Israel.  The Children of Israel consisted of six hundred thousand men on foot plus a mixed multitude of others.  Considering all of these things, the movement of that many people and livestock over any distance was a miracle.  There is much more about this in the Book of Exodus.  I have only hit the high points.   The whole story starts in Genesis 37 and continues through Exodus 15.  It is some of the most exciting parts of the Holy Bible.   The first twenty-one verses in Chapter 15 is a song sang by the people of Israel . . . . a celebration of the Goodness and Greatness of Almighty God who had helped them to separate themselves from Egypt.  And still, due to their own sins and arrogance only a couple of them made the entire trip to the Promised Land.  Read the story it is an awesome read! ~Adverse Yaw      



A comment on State of the Union Address 2014

As I listened to the State of the Union Address last night several thoughts came to mind.  People behave different ways for different reasons.   

I sincerely hope and pray that Mr. Obama’s behavior is because of his ignorance and not out of any evil hatred.  There is no way to know what he feels deep within his heart.  There is no way to know whether or not the errors that he promotes daily are from a mistaken understanding or an evil attempt to destroy the United States of America.  However, it should be obvious to any American with the tiniest ability to reason that his actions have miss the mark in a big way

Real Faith

Faith, powerful faith, faith that will make things happen, faith that causes peace in the most troubling of times, faith that is real, faith that is impossible to conjure up . . . . faith is a gift. Faith will not work unless there is obedience to God Almighty the creator of faith. And, how can one expect to be obedient to someone they do not know? It seems to be a conundrum of sorts but it is very simple. Ask the Creator for enough faith to believe in the God through Jesus Christ His only Son. Then accept the gift and learn about Jesus and know Him personally. Take it from me an old sinner. When you know and obey Him and you will find that He will hear your prayers and He will see your obedience and suddenly all will be well and your faith will become gigantic and powerful. Whether or not what I have said here is theologically correct or not I wouldn’t say because I’m not an educated theologian. I am simply a man who has the Holy Spirit living in me, and the Holy Spirit has me, and the Holy Spirit is all-powerful. When I am obedient (and I’m not always) I have an awesome peace and calm that is better than the endorphin high I always get after a hard and long bike ride, or a hard mountain climb. This kind of faith feeling makes me want to be more obedient. Does that make sense? ~AV Yaw


The obvious and arrogant disregard for the will of the people in a democratic republic, such as the USA, is a clear indication that someone or a group of people are planning a coup d'état. You could call it despotic muscle flexing! Can you recognize it today? Can you see it in the USA?

Typically a coup d'état requires a major crisis of some kind or at least a perceived to be major crisis, in order for the despot to gain the support of the majority.  Presently America is neck deep in minor crises. Most of the crises of today are thought to be major, because those perpetuating the deceit deal in fear. We have become a nation of fearful people.  (What happened to the home of the free and land of the brave?)  The economy, terrorist activity, healthcare and a myriad of other things are presently on the minds of the American people, and these things are deceitfully presented to America by the liberal media. The power of deceit makes it possible that most, if not all, of these crises were probably were manufactured. Manufactured by whom? And, why?  Power is a major motive. One will desire power when one, for whatever reason, disregards the power of Almighty God. The “who” is several people or groups of people who will gain much by war, and devastation . . . not only the attainment of wealth but primarily the gaining of power. (Remember, when one fails to recognize the power of God, one feels the need to gain as much power as one can acquire for one’s self.)

Whether or not a probable and pending coup d'état will be effective will depend upon the immediate response of the people.  Once the majority of the people become entangled in Government give-away-programs or other entitlements, the more likely a coup d’état will be successful.  Once a despot takes over the people will no longer have rights, and will be easily manipulated by police and military units. A similar tactic worked well for Adolf Hitler in the 1930s. Once a certain mark is passed down this slippery slope then only an Act of God will reverse it. By the grace and mercy of God the Allies won WWII and ended the evil despot Hitler and his regime. We too may have already reached this point of no return . . . . the 2014 election will be a good indicator.

Pray with all your heart now and be sure to vote on Election Day, because it will take a miracle of Biblical proportions to bring America back to where she should be. ~Adverse Yaw


What am I going to learn today?  It seems that the older I become the more things I find that are new to me.  Also, the older I become the less that I retain.    It seems to me that I must hurry and place my thoughts on paper before they are completely forgotten.  Does that make sense? 


Recently I have realized that Americans as well as others (I am very much included in this group of human beings) see life from the first four dimensional perspectives which are Height, Width, Depth and Time.   If we can’t see, touch, feel, hear or watch things move we often don’t recognize them or acknowledge them as real.  If we use our minds to think about things that live beyond the first four dimensions then understanding them will become a little easer.  For an example ­­­––– take any abstract noun and think about it.  There are a multitude of them, some good and some not so good.  A few higher dimensional nouns are things like love, hate, honor, bravery, fear, salvation, The Holy Spirit, Satan, truth, deceit and grief.  There are many more, however these are ones that directly affect each of us.  And, weather we are willing to admit it or not they are as real as the chair I am presently sitting on.   


I recommend to myself and to anyone willing to think about such things, that we should give a little more credence to the higher dimensions.  These abstract qualities affect the four most common dimensions.   Mind over matter?  No it is much more than that! Sometimes we are be affected by evil such as deceit, and we can be affected by good that also lives in higher dimensions such as truth. However, truth is limited to truth, where as deceit will use truth in order to deceive.   Here lies the dilemma!  Which of these higher dimensions can we trust? 


Remember Job?  Job is one of the oldest characters in the Holy Bible, and he spoke these words;   “Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom, and to turn away from evil is understanding.”   ~Job 28:28 ESV    Sometimes we must rely on a higher power that lives in the higher dimensions to help us to understand our relationship with them.  Job understood this before God spoke directly to him via the whirlwind.  Job had already experienced a higher dimensional transfer from above.   

Know and understand this.   The Bible is the Word of The Living God and is the only place where truth can be found about all dimensions.   Shouldn’t we be in constant study, and use this Bible?  The Bible is the only document that truly connects the first four dimensions, that we can somewhat understand, with all the many others.

Just a thought.

 ~Adverse Yaw


The only thing that Phil Robertson is/was guilty of is that he stated Truth.  Truth in its purest form is awesome and wonderful.  It needs only to be spoken or declared.  No introduction or apology is necessary for Truth, it stands on its own.  Whether we are talking about Jesus, or the abstract noun, Truth is the most powerful word or noun or Savior in all of the dimensions inside and outside of the Universe.  However, Truth is offensive to the vast majority of mankind, and there are only a few who want to know and understand it.

Why didn’t I see that sooner?

Have you ever asked yourself?  Why didn’t I see that sooner?  I asked myself that very question today! I went to the weekly meeting of the High Noon Club and listened to Michael Carnuccio speak. Michael is a 34-year-old graduate of Mustang High School and an alumni of OSU. He is presently the President of Oklahoma Council of Public Affairs (OCPA). He stated many things that parallel my ideals and my conservative philosophy, but he said one thing that stands out.  He said that conservative people in Oklahoma and throughout the USA are much too interested in choosing the person that is on the parade float and not paying close enough attention to the parade route.   In other words it doesn’t matter so much who is riding the float because whoever is riding, whether they are liberal or conservative, they always go with the flow.  If the person on the float is pressured or influenced by conservatives they will behave conservatively, and if they are pressured or influenced by liberals they will behave liberally.  It’s the nature of politics.  A great example is the Clintons and the Obamas.  Although they hate one another, the Clintons hopped right in bed with the Obamas after Hillary lost the primary.  That is a good example of the 'going with the flow' phenomenon. Democrats, Republicans or Independents are all cut from the same piece of cloth.  They win the election on one philosophical stance and govern with another. They are human and that is the way humanity works.   Rather than worry about who a particular office holder is, we the people should apply influence and pressure on them to do thing the right thing.   Of course, we should select people who have similar ideals as our own and we should campaign for them.  If and when they win the election we are not done because it is our job to hold their feet to the fire of truth.   Remember the tendency is 'to go with the flow.' Lets look at the situation we have in America today.  We have a President, we have Senators, we have Representatives who are elected by us, and who are influenced by what they perceive to be the flow.   The flow for the past fifty years has changed considerably.  The flow is now abortion on demand.  The flow is now homosexuality to include gay Marriage.  The flow is more goods and services for less work.  The flow is let the schools raise our children.  The flow is   pharmaceutical and recreational drugs for anyone.  The flow is the redistribution of wealth; take from the producers and give to the slothful. What if you were a political office holder trying to stay in office?  You would probably be no different than those who are in office today.  You would appease the abortion crowd.  You would appease the homosexual crowd.  You would appease the Teachers Union and other Unions.  You would appease the welfare crowd.  You would appease the Drug and Pornography crowd. These are the things that influence the politicians who occupy government offices all across our land. From the small town Dog Catcher to the White House all of them are tuned in a way to make them see and know the flow.  And, they follow it.  These political office holders are motivated by squeaky wheels and squeaky wheels demand lubrication. The problem is how do we get the good Christian people off of their bottoms? How do we get them to talk it up and to send a little squeak of their own to the political office holders of the land? One thing we could do is to encourage our pastors to come out from behind their fear of unlawful retribution from the IRS and to take a stand.  Another thing we could do is to talk it up with other Christians in other states.  Believe me there are more Christians in states like California, New York and every state in between than we realize.  I believe that they too don't fully understand their responsibility as Christian citizens.  We are to stand up for our beliefs and call our political office holders and tell them how we feel. What do you think? ~Adverse Yaw

Nike Supports Gay Pride, but I DON’T !

I have spent my last dollar at the Nike Store and for anything associated with Nike such as Converse or Hurley. It saddens me to think that a company that is associated with such fine products has come out in support of Gay Pride.  Nike is behind this movement so much so that they have created a new colorful shoe which they have named #BeTrue.   According to Esquire, all profits from the sale of the athletic giant's rainbow-hued #BeTrue collection will be donated to the LGBT Sports Coalition.  LGBT in an acronym for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender.


I have already withdrawn all my support and refused to purchase anything that has to do with STARBUCKS because their CEO, Howard Schultz, affirmed the company's support for same-sex marriage at a shareholder meeting earlier this year.  (This cost them hundreds of dollars annually because I loved their coffee and paid the high price for a cup of it more often than I’d like to admit.)   


I am not what many people would call a ‘homophobe.’  Wouldn’t being a homophobe indicate that I was afraid of homosexuality?  I’m not afraid.  Nor do I feel any hatred toward anyone who claims to be a homosexual.  I do not probe into other people’s sexual life anymore that I would probe into their toilet habits or their daily hygiene habits.  These things are personal and none of my business.  I have friends and acquaintances that may be homosexuals, some of them more blatant than others, and some of them may be a little different and not gay at all.  Like I said many times in the past, I have no friends or acquaintances who are prefect, and I am a chief among sinners.   Although I am not a homosexual, I have no right to throw a stone toward any homosexual person or anyone else for that matter.  


It's a fact, the promotion of the homosexual lifestyle means the dilution of the family unit.  This is a very scary fact.   The family unit is the very first form of government and Almighty God designed it Himself.   I believe that God caused the Flood that destroyed all of humanity except for Noah and his family, and He did this because of the rampant homosexuality going on at that time.  And later in history, Sodom and Gomorrah were cities that were totally destroyed because of the sins of homosexuality.   God’s Word, the Holy Bible, is very explicit in both the Old and the New Testaments’ in its condemnation of the Homosexual lifestyle.  So, when we study history we find that there is nothing new under the sun.  And, we human beings repeat the same destructive sins year after year knowing the foolishness of it all!   It is obvious to me after looking back 60 years in my own life, the disintegration of the family unit is underway and it’s accelerating exponentially. 


Although I can’t and will not allow myself to judge Gays or Lesbians, I don’t have to support those who do support and promote the homosexual lifestyle.  Any support of LGBT Sports Coalition is an attack on the family unit.   I have withdrawn any support for Nike, Inc. and Starbucks all together. 



Thanksgiving Proclamation – President George Washington

The  City of New York, October 3, 1789  Whereas it is the duty of all Nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey his will, to be grateful for his benefits, and humbly to implore his protection and favor, and Whereas both Houses of Congress have by their joint Committee requested me "to recommend to the People of the United States a day of public thanksgiving and prayer to be observed by acknowledging with grateful hearts the many signal favors of Almighty God, especially by affording them an opportunity peaceably to establish a form of government for their safety and happiness." Now therefore I do recommend and assign Thursday the 26th day of November next to be devoted by the People of these States to the service of that great and glorious Being, who is the beneficent Author of all the good that was, that is, or that will be. That we may then all unite in rendering unto him our sincere and humble thanks, for his kind care and protection of the People of this country previous to their becoming a Nation, for the signal and manifold mercies, and the favorable interpositions of his providence, which we experienced in the course and conclusion of the late war, for the great degree of tranquility, union, and plenty, which we have since enjoyed, for the peaceable and rational manner in which we have been enabled to establish constitutions of government for our safety and happiness, and particularly the national One now lately instituted, for the civil and religious liberty with which we are blessed, and the means we have of acquiring and diffusing useful knowledge and in general for all the great and various favors which he hath been pleased to confer upon us. And also that we may then unite in most humbly offering our prayers and supplications to the great Lord and Ruler of Nations and beseech him to pardon our national and other transgressions, to enable us all, whether in public or private stations, to perform our several and relative duties properly and punctually, to render our national government a blessing to all the People, by constantly being a government of wise, just and constitutional laws, discreetly and faithfully executed and obeyed, to protect and guide all Sovereigns and Nations (especially such as have shown kindness unto us) and to bless them with good government, peace, and concord. To promote the knowledge and practice of true religion and virtue, and the encrease of science among them and Us, and generally to grant unto all Mankind such a degree of temporal prosperity as he alone knows to be best.

Cold and Desolate – No Fuel for Warmth

It seems to me that Progressives are not all that smart because the end result of their endeavors will be futile. The short term benefits from all their efforts will end and all they touch will be depressed, desolate and chaotic. The most ignorant and feeble minded of all people can understand that if you remove the fuel the fire will no longer exist. History is full of examples! Many once thriving countries in Africa are now the poorest of nations. Why? Because the greed of power mongers overtook them and changed the rules in those countries from freedom to tyranny. Their infrastructure fell apart and chaos enveloped them. The Soviet Union is another example. It should be evident that in order to build a good warm fire you need fuel. Destroy the fuel and there is no more fire. The USA is a great example of this phenomenon taking place now. The progressives of one hundred years ago (1913) created the Federal Reserve (The Federal Reserve Act), income tax (16th Amendment) and limiting the power of people in America who were the producers (17th Amendment). Now, a large portion of the producers in America have moved away. The ones who remain can’t find workers to do the work. Fewer people work. Everyday there are fewer and fewer workers that pay unlawful taxes to the power mongers of the 20th & the 21st Centuries. And to make matters worse, there are more and more who are paid by government assistance. These people will remain on the dole, because those same power mongers pay them for their votes. Soon there will be no more fuel for the fire. All will be chaos, depression and desolation. A cold and desolate place in the middle of a long cold winter – - – not good! Read history, there is nothing new under the sun. ~Adverse Yaw.

Words that are Apropos to Life in the 21st Century

The words of scripture below are extremely interesting. The apostle Paul is writing to the churches of Galatia between 53 and 57 AD.  Approximately 1960 years ago. I believe them to be apropos to life as we know it now on planet earth, as the sins of their day were similar to the sins of our day or vice versa.    It is worth your time to read or to re-read them. ~Adverse Yaw “Now you, brothers, like Isaac, are children of promise.  But just as at that time he who was born according to the flesh persecuted him who was born according to the Spirit, so also it is now.  But what does the Scripture say? “Cast out the slave woman and her son, for the son of the slave woman shall not inherit with the son of the free woman.”  So, brothers, we are not children of the slave but of the free woman.”  ~Galatians 4: 28-31 “But I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh.   For the desires of the flesh are against the Spirit, and the desires of the Spirit are against the flesh, for these are opposed to each other, to keep you from doing the things you want to do.   But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law.   Now the works of the flesh are evident: sexual immorality, impurity, sensuality,  idolatry, sorcery, enmity, strife, jealousy, fits of anger, rivalries, dissensions, divisions,  envy, drunkenness, orgies, and things like these. I warn you, as I warned you before, that those who do such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.  But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,  gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.  And those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires.”  ~Galatians 5:16-24 Find TRUTH and TRUTH will set you free.  ~Adverse Yaw

Christian Leaders Yesterday and Today

I find it interesting that many, possibly a majority of the Christians leaders of today espouse that our job as Christians is to be good guys and stay out of Politics. From deep within my being I disagree with this philosophy, and I believe that scripture agrees with me.  Look at the example of Paul and Silas in Acts 16: 16-40  ESV. In this passage Paul became irritated with a spirit of divination who possessed a slave girl.  This evil spirit, through this young girl, was using truth in an indignant way to ridicule them.  Through the power of the Holy Spirit and in Jesus’s Name, Paul commanded the spirit to come out of the young girl,  which it did.  The result was that this girl, who had been a stream of income for the evil men who owned her as a fortuneteller, was now inoperative.  The owners of the girl were angered.  They took Paul and Silas before the Roman magistrates claiming that they had violated Roman customs.  The present crowd joined in in attacking them.  The Roman magistrates agreed and had the clothing of Paul and Silas removed, then had them beaten severely with rods, thrown into prison and bound with stocks. In the middle of the night as Paul and Silas were praying and praising God in song when a great earthquake shook the prison, loosed the stocks that bound them and opened the prison doors. As a result of this the Jailer was devastated and about to commit suicide.  Paul and Silas confronted him not to fall on his sword but instead led the jailer and his family to salvation through belief in Jesus Christ.   The jailer washed the wounds of Paul and Silas who then baptized the Jailer and his family that very night.  All of them were at the Jailer’s home rejoicing to know the Lord when word came from the Roman magistrates via the Police to let Paul and Silas go free. The rest of the story is the political part that confirms in my mind that it is right and correct for Christian people to be in the face of politicians who are obviously wrong.   The rest of the story is transcribed from the scripture. [Acts 16: 35-40 of the NIV Bible.   But when it was day, the magistrates sent the police, saying, “Let those men go.” And the jailer reported these words to Paul, saying, “The magistrates have sent to let you go. Therefore come out now and go in peace.”  But Paul said to them, “They have beaten us publicly, uncondemned, men who are Roman citizens, and have thrown us into prison; and do they now throw us out secretly?  No! Let them come themselves and take us out.”  The police reported these words to the magistrates, and they were afraid when they heard that they were Roman citizens.    So they came and apologized to them. And they took them out and asked them to leave the city.   So they went out of the prison and visited Lydia. And when they had seen the brothers, they encouraged them and departed.] I believe that if and when America falls into place as a third world nation it will be because the Christians leaders of the 20th and 21st centuries failed to sound the alarm.   Paul and Silas would have sounded the alarm! They would have been in the face of politicians like our present President!  When Jesus was here on planet earth as a man and God incarnate, He was in the face of politicians daily!  Would He expect anything less from the Christian Leaders of America? There are two reasons that I’m glad that I’m not the pastor of a church.  1st. It would take a tremendous amount of courage as a pastor to buck the political system of today.  Courage I may have, but I don’t know if I have the where-with-all to go against the IRS rule of the Johnson Amendment.  This Amendment is a perceived rule that through economic means (tax exempt status) separates morality from the people.  The Johnson Amendment offers ‘immorality’ a leg up in society because it unintentionally attempts to keep pastors from preaching the truth about corrupt politics and politicians.   2nd.  I tremble at the thought of being a pastor who failed to sound the alarm because of fear.  Fear that I might lose my church, fear that I might lose my ability to provide for my family and fear that I might offend some of my parishioners who are way off base in their political thinking. You know what?  I believe that there are a tremendous number of Americans who shy away from Christianity because Christianity is perceived to be a weak mill-mouth-do-good organization.  For them Jesus is perceived to be a weakling.  However, NOTHING COULD BE FURTHER FROM THE TRUTH ! I believe if the truth were proclaimed, as it should be, there would be a tremendous awakening and many lost sinners would come to know the Lord.   This would happen because of fear and respect for Almighty God and Jesus Christ.   Typically the American citizen wants to do what is right and will die doing it.  But, how will he know what is right if he isn’t told?  And, what American citizen will come to church to hear about a limp-wrist weak leader? Keep in mind that the 16th and 17th Amendments to the U.S. Constitution were most probably never lawfully ratified.  These Amendments even sound unconstitutional.  This being the case, why should anyone, particularly the Church, fear the taxman?  Right is right, it doesn’t matter what the average IGMO says or thinks. ~Adverse Yaw

Fantastic Reads

I'm presently reading two fantastic books and they both make profound statements.  Below are a few from an author that I have just discovered;  Neal Mammen  The two books of his that I am presently reading are, "Agent X,"  and  the other is; "Jesus Is Involved In Politics! Why aren’t You? Why isn't Your Church?"  This Young man is a prolific writer and a true (not name only) born again Christian.  One thing that he makes perfectly clear, in the second book mentioned, is not only was and is Jesus involved in politics, while on earth, but Jesus was a man's man.  He was in the face of many political leaders of that time period.  Reading this book makes me love Jesus more and more.  Not only was He God incarnate, but he was a courageous young man.  Here are some words that I have transcribed from these books.  By the way I recommend everyone to get a copy of both books then read and study them. "If churches and pastors do not teach how God's moral values should affect our political appointments, all will be lost.  If they do, we can move mountains." "Josephus (a Jewish Historian) . . . . has indicated that there is even a high degree of probability that the soldiers who killed Jewish babies in Bethlehem after the birth of Christ were not Roman soldiers but Jewish soldiers or possibly hired mercenaries working for the Jewish King Herod."  (King Herod was the top political figure in Judea at this time.  The Romans allowed the Jews in Judea to govern themselves.  The Sanhedrin was similar to our Congress.  The Pharisees, the Scribes and the Sadducees were the politicians, law makers and lawyers of this period.  Although not elected they were very political.) Luke 13;31-32  "At that time some Pharisees came to Jesus and said to him, 'Leave this place and go somewhere else.  Herod wants to kill you.'  He replied, 'Go tell that fox, 'I will drive out demons and heal people today and tomorrow, and on the third day I will reach my goal.'  Jesus was not saying that Herod was clever like a fox; it was actually a direct insult.  In the Middle East, a fox was considered a varmint.  Theses animals lived in the ground and were pest, running away and hiding after raiding your chickens.  Jesus meant to imply that His own earthly ruler, Herod was a slinking slimy cowardly, wicked, thieving, dirty rat.   Jesus was telling the truth about Herod's character.  Surely then it is our job to do that with our leaders.  But that was just the start.  We all know that He not only calls those of His senators, the Pharisees who deserved it, Hypocrites, but He also calls them putrid rotting white washed tombs and slimy snakes."  (I haven't heard that sort of thing about our politicians of today where I go to church.  Have you? It may be that some pastors don't know what is really important and what is not, and the fact that politics can't be separated from morality.) Here are some profound statements from "Agent X" "You need 'time' to have 'before' and you need 'space' to have 'from.'  (a little thought is required to understand this statement.) ". . . everything in the universe actually has a purpose, it is there because there is no other way to create a universe that supports life like ours.  That stuff is out there because God wanted to create a mechanically correct, physically sound, logical and rationally functioning planet for man to live on." "God is an artist, the very first artist, the mold on which all artist are made.  What makes you think, doing what He loves, would be something He'd ever shirk from?  He enjoys watching you enjoy His world that He created for you, and He'll enjoy watching you enjoy the New World once He creates that too." "Democracy may be rational, but rationality is not democratic." "Rational Faith is the concept that your faith should be akin to trust.  You should never blindly trust anyone.  Your faith should be based on facts, logic, reason, and experience.  Faith and trust need to be earned.  While emotions are important for relationship, they are dangerous for evaluating the trustworthiness of anything.  Con men are most successful because they make their victims 'feel' secure.  Don't be conned into a religion.  Test all things; hold on to that which is true.  Not to that which gives you a good gut feeling!" (The words in parentheses are not from the book but are my own.  ~awd)


Being an American Veteran is an honor.  Being in any branch of the Armed Forces of the United States of America and being honorably discharged is being a veteran.  It is an honor to have served with so many young men and women who are now old men and women.  And, many of those who served are no longer among the living.  Looking back to the sixties, when I was called a GI (Government Issue), I remember that there were many who spit on GIs, who looked down on them and called them baby killers.   Although, the politics of these critics may have been correct and I now agree that we as a nation should not have been in Vietnam, the USA being there was not the warriors fault.  I thank God that we have Warriors who are willing to fight the fight. We ask our young men and women to go into harms way and risk their lives and their limbs to fight the good fight against what are perceived to be our enemies.  They do this and this is good.  I honor these veterans of the past who have given much to serve.  And, I honor the warriors who are presently serving.  Two of my good friends gave their lives in Vietnam.  One of my good friends was shot down in North Vietnam and served for four long years in the Hanoi Hilton.  Many have paid dearly in battle on behalf of we the people who call ourselves Americans.  I served in the US Army, although never in harms way, and I’m proud to be a veteran.  It was an honor to serve such a great nation.   America is great because it’s ideals have always been far above the world’s ideals.   Although, being a nation with Judeo/Christian values we have allowed many within our government to violate their sacred oaths of office and to commit insurrection and treason against the Constitution and the American people.   This travesty has been taking place for more than a hundred years and continues today.  The top conspirator is Satan himself.  America is involved in a spiritual battle.   It seems to me that Satan’s primary tool is deceit, and what better way to promote deceit than to start with the children.   Satan has hidden truth from the children of America for so long that I am doubtful that America can recover.    The vast majority of the children of America live in ignorance.  I challenge you to ask everyone you meet the question; “Where do our rights come from?”  I ask you where do our rights in America come from?  If you don’t know then you might be part of the problem.  So, before you start asking others this question.   I recommend that you read the Declaration of Independence.  And in the first sentence of the second paragraph you will find the answer to my question.  And in the second sentence of this same paragraph you will find the reason that our government was instituted. Know the truth and the truth will set you free!


November 8, 2013 A nightmare Since I have started using my CPAP machine every night, I have noticed several changes. 1. I sleep longer and awaken more rested. 2. I have very vivid dreams more often and some of them are very memorable. 3. My physical endurance has improved as much as an estimated 25%. A 30 mile bike ride is nothing, and 40 miles is easier than it used to be. Most recently I rode 53 miles after church last Sunday afternoon. The only downside is the frequency of nightmares. (when I remember them that is) However, remembering them has becoming easier than ever before (if only for a few hours). The clarity of my dreams is unbelievable. Sometimes, after a depressing dream I will be awakening and it will be a few minutes before I realize that it was only a dream. Until this realization happens I’m into whatever the dream was. I ask myself! Am I losing my mind or what? For instance the dream that I had last night was wild. Keep in mind that presently I have been trying to regain my flight physical certificate for well over a year, and recently the FAA issued me a III class certificate that will expire in less than a year, because the exam that started this quest was over a year ago. So here is the dream that I had this morning as I best remember it. I found myself trying out for a new job. For some reason I found myself in the Pilots seat and the pilot who was responsible for hiring me was in the co-pilot’s seat. I don’t remember getting a clearance. I don’t remember taking off or where we departed from, (seems like it was somewhere on the West Coast). I don’t remember climbing to the final altitude. It seems that our destination was Texarkana or New Orleans. The destination was vague and not very clear. It seems that in the dream we were suddenly at cruse altitude when the person in charge who was sitting in the co-pilots seat departed the cockpit and went to the back where the passengers were seated. There I sat alone in the cockpit of a Jet at cruse altitude. I don’t remember being very familiar with the airplane. And, for some reason I was thinking that our destination was OKC. I don’t remember talking to any Air Route Traffic Control Centers. I remember making a course change, which wasn’t very smooth. I remember pulling the throttle levers back to idle and initiating the decent, which wasn’t very smooth either. During this time I thought to my self; after all I haven’t flown a jet airplane in more than seven years, what did I expect of myself. This is the time that I realized that I didn’t have a headset on, and that I hadn’t talked to an Air Traffic Control person the entire time. I don’t remember the approach. I don’t remember the landing or taxing to the parking area. But, suddenly I found myself walking with the pilot that was to have evaluated me. I remembered at that instance that we were going to Texarkana and that we were in Oklahoma City. I mentioned this to the other pilot and he acted as if he was preoccupied and didn’t hear me. I repeated this to him twice more before he realized that we were not where we were supposed to be. Finally he looked shocked, as he should have. Immediately I knew that I wouldn’t get this job and the other pilot would probably lose his job. I became apologetic and depressed at the same time. I awoke depressed. I was sorely upset and down on myself. It was at least a minute or two before it dawned on me that this was a dream and not real. Is that the craziest of dreams or what? There is another dream that I remember about flying and it took place when I was in my twenties and flying a spray plane. It too was very vivid, but more scary than depressing. I found myself in a spray plane coming out of a field and into an endless maze of wires. Flying through this maze required my undivided attention to navigate around, over and under the electrical wires. Thankfully I awoke before hitting one. I remember thinking that I was very thankful that it was only a dream. I have to believe that if I am crazy now, I’ve had to have spend the majority of my career as a crazy man. However, I haven’t allowed any harm to anyone of my passengers or crew inflight or on the ground, in over 25,000 hours of flight. God’s grace is amazing.

More thoughts about TRUTH

Truth is something that is understandable if one is really interested in truth. However, truth is difficult to grasp for people who are strongly influenced by their own agenda, their own wants, their own feelings and their own wishes. ` It is easy to understand but difficult to accept the mistakes made by America. Over the past fifty some years fifty million innocent lives have been terminated in the name of convenience. King David, King of Israel, understood the sacredness of life when he wrote these words in Psalms 139:13-14: “For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my Mother’s womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well.” Both King David and Almighty God, Creator of the Universe, consider life to be sacred. ` Any human being knows from deep within his or her soul that the taking of the life of another, or committing murder is wrong or sin. It makes no difference whether the life is one day since conception in their mother’s womb, or an old geriatric person lying on their deathbed. To murder anyone is wrong. ` These atrocities are horrible but worse than these, is for any group of people particularly a nation, to proclaim that what is obliviously wrong to be right and what is bad to be good. Homosexuality is another wrong that America is trying to proclaim as right. ` People who want to know the truth do not need Fox news to tell them what it is. They only need to open their eyes and their consciences, then truth will reveal itself. The liberal media is so partial to the mainstream’s idea of what truth is that it makes a real truth searcher’s stomach turn inside out. Our President has been leading his constituents and many IGMOs toward untruth and ignoring the truth for his entire administration. ` It’s disappointing to me that our country’s first Black president had to be such a man as Barrack Hussein Obama. There are many wonderful people of color who could have led this Country in the right direction. I feel no prejudice toward any race creed or religion as long as they are devoted to search for truth. To me, we are all Americans and these lines being drawn by such men as Jessie Jackson, Al Sharpton and others are an abomination. All who promote these ideas of division between races in America are doing the world, their country and their own race a major disservice. I can understand feelings of compassion for Obama and his family. However, President Obama has become very arrogant as he flexes his power to the point of being extremely dangerous, especially with a weak, selfish and limp Congress. It is true that many things said about this President are untrue and hurtful to him and his family. But, if it looks like a duck, waddles like a duck, swims like a duck and quacks like a duck, there can be no other verdict. A duck is a duck is a duck. His stand on abortion, his stand on homosexuality and his administrations stand on what they label as UN-American, like “American Family Association” and “Family Research Council.”  The Obama’s Administration has gone so far as to incorporate training for our military that calls the AFA and the FRC hate groups. What about the travesty that took place more than a year ago when the U.S, Embassy in Benghazi, Libya was attacked by terrorist, where our Ambassador and others were murdered? These are only a few obvious wrongs committed or allowed to be committed by this administration. Isn’t enough enough? How much longer? ~Adverse Yaw


  ~ by Renda Brumbeloe It is generally accepted that the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989, marked the change from the modern era and ushered in the post-modern era. It brought about predominate world views that change how man thinks today especially in faith, truth and philosophy. I take a bit of a detour this week as I give a few thoughts that seem to come forward in my thinking. I remember a striking conversation that I had with Bill, my airline Captain friend in 1996. He always seemed to enjoy and encourage our open and free conversations. So I responded to him. “Let me understand what you are saying, that “What’s true for me is not necessarily true for you.” I suppose you would say this also true for anyone else like your wife and children as well. My immediate question would be: Do you have a family covenant where you all live by a unified code? I mean, my question is how you handle the idea of what is true in your family relationships and behavior if truth is not the same for all of you. Is not our faith and commitment to each other determined by what we accept or reject? I believe that it is.” Then my friend Bill smiled and quoted the President of the United States, who had recently testified under oath in 1995 when he said, “That depends on what the meaning of the word “is” is. With that statement you will remember the media swooned and applauded and the post-modern era went full bloom. Truth was again under full attack. There is a notion in our post-modern thinking that playing with words (word games) produce truth. Interpretation of text will produce facts. For example, take a poll. If enough people believe something to be true, then it must be true. Another infamous example from the O.J Simpson trial is: “If the glove does not fit, you must acquit.” However, God’s supreme example of Truth was in the covenant given to his people. It is known as God’s Covenant with Abraham. That was preceded in Genesis 2:17 with God saying to Adam and Eve, “You must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.” (Back to Bill) I was mystified. I knew our conversation had gotten a bit unwieldy when I said, “Bill, this is not the way you think when you fly. I’ve observed you. You follow the proven rules and procedures. You do not fudge at all.” “If we try to be the creator of own lives, we begin trying to decide our own truth. That is, we reject God and live in conflict with facts which ultimately cannot be resolved by our mere interpretation of words.” Now twenty years later, our nation is in deep trouble with honesty. I need not give examples and scandals. Political correctness, word games and rewriting history does not change facts. The fatal mistake is letting post-modern thought and culture change the truth we once believed. Morning Musing readers might enjoy my book, “Life at 35,000 Feet”, available in paperback and at and in Kindle downloads. Google Morning Musings. . . . . . . . . . If you have friends who would like to receive a free subscription to Morning Musings, with their permission send their email address to . . . . . . . . Like myself, Renda is another retired Airline Pilot.   We both agree about the importance of TRUTH. I recommend his weekly Morning Musings. Send him an e-mail and he will place you on his list. Keep your speed up, awd

America is under attack and TRUTH is paramount to our survival as a nation.

Among the many things that True Christianity has over all other forms of religions, cults and/or Church governments is TRUTH.  (I define a Christian as a person with a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.  There are more name only Christians than not, and the number of ‘none’ in America is staggering.)


Communism is the only totally atheistic form of government in the World.  This means that treaties and honor have no meaning to them what-so-ever. The only thing that these abstract qualities mean to a Communist is that some of their opponents believe in them.  They feel that these beliefs make their opposition weak and vulnerable. Communism is total deceit.

  The book of Buda teaches that a lie is appropriate as long it benefits the good of the majority.  In my opinion, most religions, other than Judaism and Christianity, utilize deceit throughout their doctrine.

The Islamist have gained strength, power and dominance in North Africa, the middle East which includes Turkey, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Syria, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, United Arab Emirates, Europe, the United Kingdom and parts of Canada. This subtle attack of aggression is continuing into the USA this very hour. Their objective is total World dominance; I've only mentioned a fraction of their present day presence. Their primary enemies are Israel and the USA. This group of people is very deceptive and I believe that their intention is to subtlety take over America from within. They are already actively trying to destroy The Constitution of the United States of America by introducing Sharia Law.  Truth means nothing to the Islamist; they will say anything and do anything for what they consider victory.  Victory to them is total destruction of all Christians and all Jews.


In America the majority seem to be interested in only partial truths. Most Americans seem to be more interested in themselves, their prosperity and their feelings than they are the whole truth. In America truth seems to evaporate by the means of rationalization.


If you were to take a scoop of excrement and put it into a half-gallon of Blue Bell Ice Cream, you end up with a half-gallon of excrement and none of it would be fit to eat.  It is the same with truth, if you add untruth to it you end up with all untruth which has no useful value for good.


A great example is the 16th and 17th Amendments to the Constitution.  Both of them seem to defy the original logic and intent of the Constitution.   There are many who believe that neither of these amendments were lawfully ratified.  (I am one who believes that they were not lawfully ratified.)   A law that is unconstitutional or opposes God’s law is no law at all.   The IRS and the Federal Income tax should be eliminated.  If they were totally eliminated would the world stop spinning?  I think not.  This (unconstitutional) Tax seems to be the fuel and the power of politicians and other corrupt groups.  It has been becoming more and more out of control in the past fifty years, but it started exactly 100 years ago this year.  Now with the help of the “Progressives” things are getting crazy!  The 17th Amendment removed power from the individual states and thereby corrupting the original intended balance of power. 


If you have read this far, I am amazed!  Anyway, that is my two cents about the main problem we have in America.  I believe that the Clergy, Pastors and Evangelists all over the world should refuse to entertain anything other than the whole truth. Partial truth is no truth at all.  


What could possibly be more fantastic than to find a place on planet earth where you would be free to work, to improve, to invent, to create, to express, to hope, to be secure in your person and your property and to dream dreams, to strive to make hopes and dreams come true and to love and worship the Giver of all good gifts?   America used to be that very place, however America became infected with socialism, progressiveness, and greedy individuals who will go to any extreme of deceitfulness to promote their own ungodly agenda.  What is even sadder is that are only a few Americans who see and understand what is happening.  The vast majority of Americans are ignorant.  And, a good portion of the ignorant are worse than ignorant as they promote deceit as truth, and they promote evil as good.  What could possibly be worse than that?


I have recently discovered that I have been infected with a disease common to many Christians. The disease is the unrelenting deep burning desire to know and understand Truth. Anything less than the whole truth is more than an irritation to me. I realize that I’m far from perfect, but have been given a limited ability of discernment when it comes to truth. I know this for sure, TRUTH is Paramount. Among the many things that True Christianity (defined as a person with a personal relationship with Jesus Christ) has over any other form of religion, cult or Church government is TRUTH. Communism is the only totally atheistic form of government in the World which means that treaties and honor have no meaning. The only thing that these abstract qualities mean to a Communist is that some of their opponents believe in them which make their opposition weak and vulnerable. Communism is honest only that they claim Atheism as their religion or anti-religion however you want to say it. The book of Buda suggest that a lie is appropriate as long it benefits the good of the majority. In America the majority seem to be interested in only partial truths. Most Americans seem to be more interested in themselves, their prosperity and their feelings than they are the whole truth. Truth is most often evaporated into an invisible gas by rationalization. The Islamist have gained strength, power and dominance in North Africa, the middle East which includes Turkey, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Syria, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, United Arab Emirates, Europe, the United Kingdom and parts of Canada. This subtle attack of aggression is continuing into the USA this very hour. Their objective is total World dominance, I've only mentioned a fraction of their present day presence. Their primary enemies are Israel and the USA. This group of people are very deceptive and their intention is to subtlety take over America from within. They are already actively trying to destroy The Constitution of the United States of America. Read below what I have discovered about one Arabic word; taqiyya (pronounced ta key ah) most often used by Islamist or Radical Muslims. Taqiyya is a word that gives meaning to the main differences between the Christian belief the Muslim belief. Of all the religions that I have read about . . . Christianity is the only one that places paramount importance upon truth. Almost all other religions or beliefs allow a certain amount of deceit. As transcribed from "The Cross in the Shadow of the Cresent" ~by Erwin W. Lutzer. ““This concept of taqiyya is taught in the Quran: “Let not the Believers take for friends or helpers Unbelievers rather than Believers: if any do that, in nothing will there be help from Allah, except by way of precaution, that ye may guard yourselves from them” (3:28). One Muslim commentator said this about taqiyya: “It is lawful for a believer…to keep his faith concealed and to behave in such a manner as to create the impression that he is on the same side as his enemies… he may even state that he is not a believer.”” See the nine-minute video which is extremely revealing to any and most Americans who are ignorant about the Muslim religion. Like it or not America is being subtly over taken by Radical Muslims or Islamist. This Video is important and educational. Please take the time to watch it. The following is most educational, interesting and important. ~Adverse Yaw

What About The So-Called Area 51? Near Las Vegas, Navada

Suppose that the truth about "area 51, and captured aliens" is a hoax implemented by people in high places.

1st.  Is this scenario possible?  And, if not likely possible then which is more likely, a hoax, or have we really been visited on planed earth by aliens from time to time since the late 1940s up until present day?  And, if we have been visited by these aliens why is it such a secret? 

2nd.  Who would benefit the most from a hoax of this nature?  If it is a lie or a hoax, and it worked on the American People would it save the free American people from self destruction due to panic and sheer fear?   Can a true Christian whose  faith is built on a belief in Jesus Christ be convinced of such aliens invading the planet?  If Christians are not afraid of the possibility of aliens then can they be convinced that the hoax is to save the rest of the nation from its own false fear?  The question remains; who would benefit from this probable hoax, and why?

3rd.  Why would a professing atheist try to destroy the integrity of Christians? Who would benefit?

4th.  Could 'fear' be a weapon in the hands of influential people in high places?   What about the fear of extraterrestrial invasion?  What are the chances of an extraterrestrial invasion?   Most intelligent people, are not easily frightened with this prospect, especially if they have faith in a loving Almighty God?

5th.  Is there any possible truth to the idea that this probable hoax was devised by the highest and most powerful people who have joined Satan in his endeavor to conquer the World? 

6th.  Could it be a possibility that the creation of such a hoax; the primary purpose being to cause people of the united States and the world to be consumed by so much fear that they are easily manipulated into turning their backs on  Almighty God, the Holy Bible, the Constitution of the united States, the Bill of Rights, America and everything that these things stand for?  Won't they be able to understand that by believing this most probable lie they will be giving up all liberty and freedom for a tiny bit of unity with the ignorant masses of the world, led by the powers of deception?

7th.  Either way how could this secret place, probably strongly promoted by secret societies and deceitful people, be anything other than a conspiracy?  Either way it is a lie to the American people by those in power, some of them having made oaths to support and uphold the Constitution of the united States.

8th.  This sounds far out doesn't it? Wasn't  the premise of using this kind of fear tested for credibility with the CBS presentation of "The War Of The Worlds" by Orson Welles and the Mercury Theatre on October 30, 1938? The public believed it was real thus setting the stage for the implementation of an alien threat scenario...

9th. Shouldn't we be upset when someone mentions "A New World Order?

Well I haven't said anything that isn't true I have only asked very serious questions about real things and real places in real time.  What do you think?  I would love to hear from you.

~Adverse Yaw